Seven Cruisers met at the Burnaby Lake parking lot at 8.00 Saturday on a cloudless morning, destined to be a hot one. Ros Muir ran from the parking lot with the other six along the new trail from the old Sperling Road to Douglas Road, then veered north solo to Goring Avenue, then east on the Lougheed Highway using the bike path and returned to the parking lot, 50 minutes, and beat the heat. The others: Gina, Larry, Norman, Edie, Rod and Bobtoc took the same new trail to Douglas Road , then running s l o w l y, turned south on Douglas Road, up the hill to Kincaid Street past Len Soet’s place to Royal Oak, continued south to Gilpin, west to Moscrop, south on Patterson Ave. through to the Skytrain route, east almost as far as Gilley Ave, then retraced their steps back to Burnaby Lake, with Edie and Bob continuing on Gilpin past Royal Oak to avoid the hill going north to Deer Lake Parkway, Norland Ave, east on Sprott and back to the parking lot. Their time and distance, 2.33 and 19.6 km. (Bob & Edie took a short cut in honour of Shortcut Barry, MIA Cruiser.) Gina, Larry and Rod clocked about 2.38 time and distance, 20.6 km. Norman left the pack on the way home, did a higher speed and longer distance, 2.17, time and 22.35 km. The route outward on Douglas Road, Kincaid, Royal Oak and Patterson, gave the intrepid six a workout for sure, but the route back was more forgiving. The weather turned hot, and the bits of shade provided respite when we found it. The run was Gina’s longest, and she performed well.
Way to go, Gina – The FULL Half Half!
Joy Borgonia stayed at Cameron Centre for a workout in the gym since she is running a race Sunday in the Fraser Valley. More particulars next newsletter.