Seven Cruisers:  Edie, Laurie, Ryan, Sharon and Bobtoc ran 17.9 km, and Joy Borgonia and Leanne Dalton ran well for one hour, half hour out and half hour return.  The seven ran from the Centre to the north trail of Burnaby Lake Park, Joy and Leanne turning back well west of the Nature House for their hour, and the other five ran to the old Sperling Road to the new trail which ends at Douglas Road, reversing their route back to the Centre; time 2.26 and distance as stated per Ryan’s GPS, 17.9, with Ryan running 2 additional klicks from his digs at Cottonwood Ave. in Coquitlam and return.  The seven enjoyed light overcast skies, 11C temperature.  Scores of runners and walkers were on the north trail.  Count ourselves fortunate to have the Burnaby Lake Park in our neighborhood.  
No race results available from the Peach City Half or 10k at press time.  Will get them out when available.  
Girolino di Burnaby June 6:  Don’t forget to volunteer.  Rainy needs YOU.