It had to happen sometime. Lynn and All, our erstwhile walkers, beat six runners back to the Centre Monday evening. Runners Debra, RA Edie, Gina, Rod, Shiraz and Bob ran down to Joe’s Trail to North Road and returned. Lynn and Al walked the same route but managed to get back to Cameron a few minutes before the runners. There was a reason of course. The runners were stopped at Cariboo Road on the way home by a train that was still hooking up in Halifax. Lynn and Al circumvented the very long train by heading east to cross the tracks, thereby beating the train and of course the runners on their return trip. Time for the walkers, about 54 minutes; time for the runners, about 49 minutes after deducting 10 or so wasted whle cooling their heels at the railroad crossing. All eight enjoyed ideal weather; cloud cover, relatively cool temperature, a nice breeze. Rachel Fouladi met the eight Cruisers at the Centre to say farewell since she was flying back to Ankara this morning. Rachel squeezed in the Longest Day Run, triathlon, the Chip’s Not Dead Yet run, and a run with the Cruisers while here. She will return in January.