Cruisers Test New Route!

Bob, Larry, Sharon, Shiraz and Edie tried out the new overpass near Burnaby Lake on Saturday, before running on the new route to Rupert Street, and gave both the overpass and the route thumbs up. We can run to Vancouver and take the Sky Train back for longer runs. Beware: the longer the run, the worse the jokes!

Monday: Eight runners/walkers met at Monday at Burnaby Lake parking lot sharp at 6.30 am to beat the heat forecast for the day. Al and Lynn were joined by Larry for a 7kwalk, time 1.07.59, and runners RA Edie, Alex Lau, Rick Davidson, Rod and Bobtoc ran 9.5 k, time also 1.07, the route for the eight being west on Sprott, south on Norland, continuing into the Deer Lake park area for the circuit around the lake, and for the runners, the new trail at the south side of the lake to the beach, then back into the area near the lawn being the site of the Blues concert, north to Deer Lake parkway, Norland and Sprott to return. The runners’ route differed somewhat, the runners desperately wanting to do some extra hillwork. The eight enjoyed warm but not oppressive temperatures, cloudless skies, some breeze. The Burnaby Lake sports complex was abuzz with police and fire personnel competing in their world tournament. Lynn and Edie succeeded in not being pinched by the off-duty cops. We passed Tish Oliver in the Deer Lake area running with a friend, running strong.
Wednesday: Two Cruisers only met at the Centre Wednesday at 6:30. Larry and Bobtoc opted to walk the powerline trail in the SFU area. The duo used the usual Stoney Creek trail to North Road, up the hill to the Imperial Oil pumping station then continued onto the powerline trail, stayed on it until we reached the first tower on the west side before returning. The duo met Rod and Pat Hargreaves walking their dog plus that of their son, talked about the Les Mis performance they took in that afternoon, then continued the walk. Time out, about 1.30. The weather was great; comfortable temperature, some overcast, all in all perfect weather to be out. Best day of the year.
Friday: Starting at 5.00 am, Debra ran with Christina and Niel in Poco, Christina covering 16 k and Debra and Niel completing 19 k.

Saturday: Seven Cruisers met at the Burnaby Lake parking lot Saturday commencing at 7:30 am, Lynn and Al being the only walkers, and RA Edie, Larry, Sharon, Shiraz and Bobtoc being the runners. The seven enjoyed a cooler morning that what we have experienced recently, although humid. The seven utilized the new trail, starting on the old Sperling Road, the five runners taking an inaugural run and return on the Sperling Skytrain overpass, then used the new trail which ends at Douglas Road, ran onto Still Creek Street west past the garden recyling area through to the Urban Trail, contined past the Gilmore Skytrain station on the Trail and stayed on it to the Rupert Street Skytrain station from where the five retraced their steps to the the Burnaby Lake parking lot. In the meantime, the walkers used the same route except for the Sperling Skytrain overpass and continued their walk to Scienceworld and returned via the Skytrain. The two were pleased to know they could use one zone tickets on the Saturday. Their time and distance, 1.45, 12.2 km. The runners did 13.5 k in 1.42, and enjoyed a cooling headwind breeze on the way back.
The fervent five after their run met and talked to Tish Oliver at the parking lot, on her break from working the Rugby Clubhouse pub.
Sunday: Rod, Rick Davidson and Jeff May completed the Delta Half Marathon in cool, perfect weather for the half, experienced a slight drizzle which made running fairly comfortable per correspondent Rod. Rod further advised the medal (shudder- a medal for the Half- horrors) ribbon was purple, a regal colour indeed. What’s next- Royal Budweiser?
Times were as follows:
Rick Davidson 1.46.27
Rod Hargreaves 2.07.25, beating his Seattle time
Jeff May 1.43.45
As a matter of interest, Burnaby’s Herb Phillips who will enter the 70+ age category in 2010, finished the half in 1.26.19.
Jeff reported wife Nathalie was part of the VPD Grouse Grind team in the Police and Firefighters Games. The VPD team won the Gold.