Monday: Seven Cruisers: four runners and three walkers met at the Centre Monday at 6:30, destination Como Lake. Walkers Lynn, Al and RA Edie walked as far east as Blue Mountain Road, time and distance 5.5 km, 55 minutes. Runners Norman, Rod, Shiraz and Bobtoc ran to Como Lake, Norman doing 2 loops, the others one, distance for Norman 9.5 km, for the other three, 8.5km, time for all, 1.04. The seven enjoyed perfect weather; ideal temperature, partially cloudy skies, and were treated to a beautiful sunset on the return leg of the outing. It doesn’t get any better than this.

Wednesday: Eight Cruisers: six runners and two walkers proceeded west from the Centre Wednesday night. The destination for the eight was the IGA corner. Alex Lau, Debra, Larry, Libby, Tish and Bobtoc did the return run, 9.4 km in 1.07. Walkers Adele and Tracy walked, not sure of their destination, time or distance. The eight enjoyed a perfect evening; clear, decent temperature, a gorgeous sunset, the best autumn can provide. Rod ran solo in the am from home to North Road, did the hill 6x. He met Ryan on the North Road hill enroute to SFU. Ryan reported to Rod he still has a sore knee (from the Seattle Marathon) but has started some running. Get well and hurry back, Ryan!

Cruisers were and are busy this weekend. On Saturday from Cameron Centre Lynn and Al trekked to Burnaby Lake to pick up the Central Valley Greenway past Douglas Road for an 18.1 walk, time 2.46, while runners Rick, Rod, Tish and Bob ran west to the Kensington Ice Arena, the latter three returning to the Centre, distance 16 km, time 1.58, while Rick completed 15 miles, time 2.47, his route including several streets in the Stoney Creek/Forest Grove area to make up his required distance.
Debra did speed work on Friday, reducing her time per km from her previous session, and with the Poco Running Room group will do 23 km today.
Carla also ran after work Friday, 12 km, time 1.15. Laurie ran Burnaby Lake, Saturday and Edie ran about 13k from home on Sunday.