Royal Victoria Marathon:
Words to describe the event’s organization, routes, the beauty of the city, the weather, can only be superlatives. The weather Friday and Saturday was gorgeous; warm, sunny, +5C at start of the races beginning at 6:30 through to 8:30. The execution of the events was flawless, routes breathtaking as always, and Victoria’s natural beauty is legendary. Good time? Absolutely. Big kudos to Edie for her accommodation organization and to Christina for her Saturday and Sunday dinner arrangements, with 15 at Milestone’s Saturday and 7 Sunday for those who stayed over. All participants and “athletic supporters” survived the BC Ferries scheduling difficulties.
Norman Lum 3:39:40
Rick Davidson 3:59:57
Laurie Brookbank 4:08:30
Debra Nicol 4:25:01
Half Marathon:
Larry Kuhn 1:59:49
Carla Castellani 2:03:41
Christina Saremba 2:08:47
Edie Kernighan 2:37:59
Bob Kuhn 2:39:15
Other stuff:

Tracy’s mother, Rose Marie Preston, completed her 30th Victoria Marathon, and was one of three only who have run the V. M. since inception 30 years ago. Wow! Tracy ran her in.

Bob Dolphin, an 80+ gentleman from Renton WA, has completed 400 marathons. Readers , it is OK to feel VERY small when comparing your stats.
Women still outnumber finishers: Females, 4,088 Males 3,130, although full marathon male finishers outnumbered females.
“Sally Cakes”, the redhead from Lake Oswego, Ore, was able to convert her marathon registration to half marathon. Her time, 2:14:35. Her real name is Sally Harmon. Rainy Kent please note.
Okanagan International Marathon:
Rod reported the weather was a frigid -8C, with very little warming during the running of the various races in Kelowna, and the event organization continued to be up to the usual high standard associated with the Kelowna runs.
Rod Hargreaves 2:07:23
Ken Blowey 2:18:58
Total half marathon finishers: Females, 919 Males, 495.
North Shore Half Marathon:
Alex Lau 1:54:37.
Total number of finishers: 227

Saturday am: Lynn and Al, in training for the Fall Classic Half, walked 20 km, time 3:01 !
Sunday run: Rob Stagg ran the 10K Turkey Trot, time a miniscule 43.19, 4th in his age group. Wow!