Truly amazing!
Over twenty Cruisers and friends of Cruisers met in the Willow Room Monday Nov 2 to hear Ferg Hawke’s talk of his entry into the sport of running, his fast progession from the Sun Run to ultramarathons, culminating in his successes at the Badwater 135 Mile Death Valley ultramarathon. Ferg let his DVD tell much of the story of the Badwater experiences. The DVD was exceptionally well done, beautiful photography; we could feel the sweat and blisters, and recognized the voice and face of Steve King, announcer of many of our races, who was a narrator in the film. Ferg sold a number of DVD’s. Boy, some Christmas present…
Ferg is very personable, unaffected, and provided motivation for all. The evening also was a time of reunion, Flora Johnson and Terri-Lee Seeley for example were there, plus many of our friends from Poco, plus Len Soet and his wife Mariam from the Telus side of things, and Tracy’s Mom Rose Marie, fresh from her 61st, I believe, marathon.
To Tracy, our heartfelt thanks for the arrangements she made with her friend Ferg Hawke! We are indebted to her.
Cruiser walkers Lynn and Al on Monday evening drove to the Centre and walked to their home in the Government Road area, then walked back. Distance and time, 6 km, time 57 minutes. The pair enjoyed good weather and no interference from those pesky runners!
Wednesday: Bob creates a new meaning for the “Bobturn”. Rainy’s quote that all who wander are not lost does not apply here.
Eighr Cruisers met and ran Wednesday night. The eight split into two groups, all running together through to Forest Grove Drive via the pedestrian overpass; Larry, Lora, Rod and Tracy continuing through to Shellmont thence to the IGA corner and back, time and distance 1:20 and 10.6 km, the other four; Edie, Libby, Shiraz whom we have not seen for a few weeks, welcome Shiraz, and Bobtoc who generally followed the same route as the other four but returned from Greystone and Shellmont; time and distance, 1:11 and 8.6 km. The eight enjoyed a cool to cold evening, no precip.
Saturday: Seven Cruisers: two walkers and five runners met at the Centre: Lynn and Al walked their time and distance from the Centre on the Urban Trail via Burnaby Lake. Runners Carla, RA Edie, Larry, Norman and Bob ran from the Centre through to Cliff Avenue and Hastings and return to the Centre. Time and distance for the runners was 1:25 for Carla, Larry and Norman, and 1:37 for Edie and Bob, distance about 13.5 km. All seven did their thing under cold rain drops, initially (for a second or two) amusing until we realized it purely and simply was pissing down hard and cold. The pavements were awash due to poor draining on the asphalt paths, particularly so in the area west of Duthie through to Cliff Avenue. Estimated time for Lynn and Al, approx. 2 hours taking into account when their car was in the Cameron Centre parking lot. More exact time and distance for Lynn and Al later.