Sharon walked at Deer Lake on Wednesday – What a beautiful place we live in!

Monday: Edie, Laurie and their four legged friends Bella, April and Sadie walked the Forest Grove route. Sharon didn’t have anyone to run with so went to Burnaby North Track and ran the track 24 times without stopping! What a woman!

Wednesday: Four Cruisers turned out for Wednesday’s run: Laurie, Libby and Lora and to spoil the alliteration – Edie. We ran Forest Grove backwards to Shellmount, through Meadowlake and back to Cameron. Time out 1:09 Distance 7.89 Weather Perfect for running, no moisture, clear and slightly cool. The four thought it might just be the best night of the year, except for missing all our Cruiser buddies. Libby was in charge and said we didn’t hafta do 5 effin hills so we did one long one instead. Great run.

On Monday, Sharon didn’t have anyone to run with so ran the track at Burnaby North 24 times without stopping. She’s taking a page from Rod’s book, another keener.

Norman signed up for the Portland marathon.

Today’s report from the tropics:

The weather has been fabulous here in Maui, some cloud but why would we complain about that? We have enjoyed the beaches here. At the moment I am fighting the last vestiges of a cold that I got from Tracy, who is over her cold. We blame the airplane for that! Bob and Tracy went on a long run today (two hours), some of it along the beach. They said it was great, while I did a shorter walk-run to sweat out my cold. Yesterday we went on a snorkelling and whale watching boat trip. The whales sure are active this year, showing their fins and heads quite close to the boat.

That’s all for now, say hello to the Cruisers for us!

Saturday – Report from Len:We had a great run this morning. It was cool, with no rain. Five of us, Tish, Sayeeda, Osama, Gord and I, ran to Como Lake and then around it twice. Tish kept saying how nice it was to run in daylight and see the lake. The distance was 9.3 km and time 1:04 back to the Cameron Center. Osama and I then ran out to the IGA, via East Lake and back. the total time and distance for us was 2:24 and 18.9 km.