Nine runners and walkers met at Cameron Centre Monday evening. Walkers were RA Edie and Adele together with Edie’s dogs Bella and April. Runners were Alex, Lora and her friend Emmy Verkade who was welcomed into the group, Rod, Sharon, Tish and Bobtoc. The nine ventured west, the runners to the IGA corner and return, time out 1:07. The walkers went as far as Eastlake and Underhill. The nine enjoyed a mild +6C, no breeze, little precip evening, the best of the year. To date.
Ten runners met at Cameron Centre Wednesday on a crisp +2C cloudless evening for hill repeats using the familiar route to Underhill. The ten: Alex, RA Edie, Emmy Verkade, Larry, Libby, Lora, Rod, Sharon, Tracy and Bobtoc did Underhill 3x then returned via Forest Grove Drive, Gaglardi pedestrian overpass, the Beaverbrooks to the Centre. Time out, 1.07, distance 8.25. NB: I phoned the City of Burnaby this am re: the non-functioning light at pole 9/91 near the entrance to the overpass. X ur fingers. The light was out but the stars were visible.
Nine Cruisers: Walkers Lynn and Al plus their two dogs and seven runners set off from Cameron Centre Saturday 8:00 am enjoying mild temperature, cloudy skies but no precip. Lynn and Al walked west to the Burnaby Lake north trail via Cameron Street south to Government Street and continued to the Urban Trail, covering 10.1 k in time of 1.31. The runners: Edie, Larry, Norman, Sharon and Bobtoc ran west via Eastlake and so on to the Kensington Ice Arena and return, Sharon tailing off at IGA to run home, distance 16 k, time 2.03, while Rod and Tish, using the same route west, ran to the IGA corner before returning to the Centre; their distance 9.5 k in time of approximately an hour. Upon return the runners were greeting by Rob Stagg. He advised the Edge2Edge marathon for him will not occur due to increased accommodation costs in the Tofino-Ucluelet area; instead he is condsidering the Portland Marathon in October. Norman also is contemplating the Portland Marathon.