Sharon and Christina share the Olympic Spirit. Silver medalist from Germany for the women’s skeleton.

RA Edie, Tish, Larry and Bobtoc opted to walk Monday evening. The foursome enjoyed gorgeous weather and temperature; clear skies, +5 C. Their route was Eastlake to Underhill to Broadway then return’ time 57:04 minutes.

Wednesday evening Feb 24 report from Tracy.

Last night it was Libby, Adele and I. We walked the loop in reverse. Forest grove and back underhill and the usual path back to Rec Center. We were out about 1:05. z

Five Cruisers took time off from the Olympics TV watching to appear at the Centre Saturday am. Larry walked 1.30 to the nature house via the Burnaby Lake north trail and return, logging a guestimated 6 km. Alex, RA Edie, Norman and Bobtoc ran east to Como Lake, Norman and Bob doing one lap before returning, Edie returning without a lap, times varying between 52 and 64 minutes. Alex ran to Mundy Park via Smith Ave, Newport, Rideau Ave, Poirier St and Regan Ave, then return to Como Lake via Foster, Poirier and Regan Ave continuing to North Road via Cottonseed, sorry Cottonwood Ave to Stoney Creek trail, Eastlake at Underhill and return. Time out, 2:50, distance 24.5 km. Vancouver Marathon is in his sights.