Seven Cruisers welcomed Anita, a good friend and business partner of our Gina Spanos, for our Monday 6:30 run. Adele, RA Edie and Larry walked 7.5 km using the familiar route Eastlake, Underhill, Forest Grove Drive, the Gaglardi overpass and the Beaverbrooks, returning to the Centre, time 1:20. Tish, Anita, Sayeeda, Sharon, Lora and Bobtoc ran to the IGA and return, 9.5 km, time 1:08. The time of the runners was extended by a couple of minutes or so due to a couple of lizards spotted on the pavement by Lora and Sharon. The lizards seemed to assume the proportions of alligators or crocodiles, no doubt due to overly vivid imaginations. What a croc! The eight enjoyed the balmy temperature, dry surfaces; probably the best night of the year.

Wednesday run report by our own RA Edie reproduced verbatim. Her literary and reporting skills are unique:
Our esteemed leader was awol, we waited til 7:02, then went to Timmy’s and put our drink and food orders on his tab. He has to pay up by tomorrow because if they take him to jail, we’re not raising bail. We’re on fixed incomes. Laurie came out especially to see him and get training tips so she could own the podium at the April Fool’s Run. She went home suffering from severe depression and chocolate withdrawal because of this unforseen setback. She left Kleenex all over Cameron Parking Lot so on his way to pay the bill at Tim’s, he needs to stop by the parking lot with rubber gloves and a garbage bag. The Cameron staff will revoke his shower privileges forthwith if the cleanup is not done by opening tomorrow. Or he can have a shower but only use cold water. Alex has taken over the harem. Libby gave up writing report cards so she could brave the traffic for her leader.
Other than that, it was the best night of the year, clear and starlit. Rod came out a walked a bit on his own while the rest of the slackers ran to Underhill. The keeners, Lora, Alex, Anita and Sharon did four hills while Libby did three and Princesses Laurie and Edie did two. The light was out by the overpass but we managed to find our way down the hill and past the school where some loud teenagers heckled us. We were out 1:17 and did a pile of kilometres, which are not measured on my Baby G watch or sent from my iphone.

Sharon wonders if we can run from Cameron to Burnaby Lake, around and back on Sarturday. That’s if our leader is joining us and not out for a blueberry pancake breakfast. Hopefully, he will have his priorities straight by then.