Ten Cruisers, plus we believe, the ethereal Harvey, ran or walked to North Road via the Stoney Cree
k trail, first time since last autumn. Walkers RA Edie, Larry plus Bobtoc who was rescued by them walked after the Creek trail ran south on North Road to the Sullivan Heights subdivision thence to the Centre; time, 1:03. . Runners Alex, Anita, Carla, Rod, Sayeeda, Tish and Tracy went north on North to Chapman Avenue then returned south via Clarke and North Roads to Cameron Street to the Centre; their time and distance, 56 minutes, 8 km. All 10 +? enjoyed the benefit of daylight saving time, no precip, mild temperature as well as the welcome change in routes.
By phone, Jennel advised her challenging hill was Parkway Boulevard, not Panorama. She believes Parkway is 5x Underhill. Yikes!
An update from Debra, our intrepid runner and spin class instructor:
Just to let you know I have been busy training for the Vancouver Full Marathon,… doing hill & speed work and gradually moving up in mileage over the past 3 weeks. The following is what did yesterday. Friday
29 km solo training run this morning..(Friday) Time out 3 hrs. 12 mins. During 3/4 of the run… the rain came d
own hard! Bonus to this… the wind also showed no mercy. BUT I WOULDN’T LET IT BREAK MY SPIRIT!! Rain stopped just as I came into my driveway! Got to love it!!! It is all good!
Eight Cruisers, not counting Harvey the elusive, ethereal being, met at the Centre on a cold, clear evening, many sporting leprechaun green hats and outerwear to mark St Patrick’s Day. Valerie walked to Underhill and Broadway and Edie walked back with her via Forest Grove. Edie, Rod, Sharon, Lora. Laurie and Anna ran to Underhill and Broadway – Edie doing Underhill 2x, their route being Eastlake, Underhill, Forest Grove Drive, the overpass, the Beaverbrooks to return to the Centre. Rod, Sharon and Lora did Underhill 3x; Laurie did half of Underhill 3-4x; daughter Anna used her time sprinting. Time and distance for the 3x runners, 1:13, 9km; time for Edie a bit longer. All welcomed the effect of daylight saving time. Bobtoc appeared but neither ran nor walked. My thanks to Rod for the report.
Edie, with collaboration of Rod, and moral encouragement by Laurie, has prepared a poster of the elusive Harvey, a newcomer to our ranks. He looks like a home-spun, inoffensive type of a guy like Jimmy Stewart; should fit in reasonably well in the last and slowest pace group. The picture is on our bulletin board at the Centre as well as on Edie’s blog. If only. If only, all that energy was channeled into the sport of running the Cruisers would be world beaters, good Buds all. I shake my head!
Three Cruisers met at the Centre on a cold but clear morning Saturday, all three coming back from gaps in their training. Larry, Rod and Bobtoc ran to Burnaby Lake, circumnavigated it and returned to warm sunshine. The trio completed 14 km in 1:51, a lesser distance or time than scheduled, but were happy to do what they did. Harvey perhaps was there in “spirit”.
Norman did a “training” run of 42ks on Saturday and Debra did 32k on Sunday.
Conversed with Rob Stagg at the Centre. His marathon training is progessing on schedule.