Wednesday: Only Libby, Rachael and I arrived at Cameron for Wednesday Cruiser Night. Rachael thought that Flora would be joining us, so we gave her an extra 10 minutes to arrive. But when Libby and I heard that Flora was stopping to buy a running jacket on her way to Cameron, we knew that she wouldn’t be able to stop her urges to Shop-to-she-Drops or the store closes. Wonder which will happen first? Just bagging one item would never do- her shopping evening had probably just begun at the jacket section– so the Trio Troop head east.
Knew that hills should be a part of the workouts as it was Wednesday, so Libby suggested heading to Como Lake. The weather was rainy on and off- but probably more off than on. But then a runner often doesn’t notice what is happening with the wea
ther when they have good company to travel with. We could almost hear Bob saying “Who picked this route? I hate this route? Are we still going up hill? Run on the left or do you wan
t a bumper up your rear? Send Libby out to stop the traffic.”
We decided it was Ok to complain about the hills as Bob would have wanted it that way. And a good sign
that you are still moving…. U
P! I gave Rachel some encouragement telling her that we had finished with the hills, but in a few minutes they called me a liar, as I had led them to the base of a hill– but it was a little one and around that corner was the school ground so the Lake was very near.
We arrived at the Lake– I hadn’t been there for some time– I notice a big change in the homes along the route. Many of the ones that were under construction the last time I travelled those streets are now quite lived in looking- guess it’s been a few years since I enjoy Como Lake. Great to be there in some daylight- as the Lake looked nice. Several ducks and geese were there to greet us and several young fishermen with lines in the water. We circled the Lake and returned via THE Bo
b Classic Route (that means we didn’t get lost).
Libby had her GPS so was able to determine we had been out for one hour and 10 minutes and covered 8 kilometers.
So that is what you all missed.


Edie and Bobtoc welcomed Rene Lekteman and Diana Cukierman from the Cameron and Burnaby Lake Sun Run Clinics respectively to the Saturday morning run May 29th. Cruisers obviously stayed away in droves; couldn’t be due to the inclement weather! The foursome ran to the IGA corner and return, time for Rene 1:06 and 1:13 for the remainder.

Just wanted to send out an update on our race yesterday. Flora and I ran in the first annual SOWA Half-corked marathon – a 17.5 km race of sorts, though the journey is far more fun than reaching the finish line. Around 300 race participants (many dressed in hilarious grape/wine themed costumes) started out from Hester Creek winery in Oliver on a bright and sunshiney morning. The course meandered through wine country with beautiful views of the foothills and rows and rows of vines, and included stops at several wineries (Oliver Twist, Stoneboat, Burrowing Owl, and Desert Hills) before finishing up at Silver Sage Winery for a post-race luncheon and awards ceremony. At each winery, water was available as well as glasses of wine for tasting, and at a couple there were even some nibbles put out (see what I mean about the journey being the goal here). It was fantastic! Awards were given at the end for best costumes, and fastest times in each age group (quite a skill to run with a good time while shaking off the effects of the alcohol). Lots of fun had by all, and it sounds like SOWA is going to be making it an a

nnual event.Flora and Rachel were busy on the weekend in Oliver. I have copied Minnesota Rachel’s report below. It seems they found the finish line to their race notwithstanding the electrolytes that probably were not in their drink of choice on the day. Thanks for you report, Rachel.

So looks like Flora and I have bragging rights, being the first Cruisers to participate! With a goal of setting the bar high and making the Cruisers proud, you’ll be happy to know we both finished standing up and mostly sober!