Monday: Eight Cruisers braved the hot humid weather Monday, four being runners and the other four walkers. All head headed for the Stoney Creek trail. Runners Alex, Lora, Sayeeda and Sharon then entered the trail parallel to North Road going north eventually up to the power line trail, enjoying some respite from the heat, then returned to Cameron Centre. Walkers Adele, Larry, Tracy and Bobtoc continued on North Road to Gilroy Crescent, north to Chapman Avenue then returned the same route to the Centre. The largest animals noted were three miniature dashunds, no bear scat seen. Times out, runners about 1:15, walkers 57:14.
Wednesday: Seven Cruisers ran or walked from the Centre Wednesday on the best night of the year when weather conditions and temperature were optimum. Shiraz, Edie and Shiraz were the run/walkers, and Alex, Rene, home from vacation, Sayeeda and Sharon were the runners. The group of seven used again the Stoney Creek trail, the walkers continued on North Road and the power line trail, out 30 minutes before returning. The runners headed into the North Trail, continued up to the Imperial Oil pumphouse and branched off a bit to the east still travelling north to a point where they could view the Inlet before returning. All seven at various times met the eighth Cruiser, very pregnant, looking wonderful, ready to produce within days, Valerie. The Cruisers took turns in escorting her back to Beaverbrook and Cameron Street, along with biker-husband Rich and two of his cycling buddies. What a pleasure indeed to see them. Time for the walkers and runners about 1:10.
The Faller’s Trophy passes from Shiraz to Sharon (Shiraz gets to relinquish it at last!) Having coffee after the run (rewards).
Five Cruisers plus Rick from the Telus group met at Fort Langley approx 8:15 am for a run using the Fort to Fort trails. The six experienced excellent conditions; fair weather, perfect temperature, good trails, probably the best morning of the year. Christina, Edie, Sharon and Shiraz ran 16.6 km, time 2:21 return. Bobtoc essentially ran on his own, slowly and
tentatively, his first reasonable test of his left calf muscles; distance and time, about 8 km, 1:29. Rick Davidson ran farther and faster than the others. Here is his report to me verbatim; I cannot improve on his words:
Rick’s Report: It was nice to see everyone this morning.
I really enjoy running in Fort Langley, so thanks for inspiring me to get out that way.
We seem to have started quite a trend– the place was crawling with other runners and cyclists! I’m sorry I missed catching you at the coffee shop at the end of my run.
I was out for 2:05 and covered 19.3 km, consuming about 1/2 lb of blackberries along the way. The best picking was along Allard Crescent, approx. 1km east of Derby Reach Park.