Monday: Six Cruisers met 6:30 pm on the Monday statutory holiday that folks with jobs enjoy at Burnaby Lake. Walkers Larry, Tracy and Bobtoc walked counter-clockwise 30 minutes out then returned, time out 56.51, distance 4 km. Runners RA Edie, Rod and Sharon ran, 30 minutes out, took a 5 minute walk then returned, their time 1.06, distance about 8 k. The six enjoyed gorgeous weather, some humidity being so close to the lake. Rod’s leg held up so feels pretty good about the Delta Half on Sunday.
Sunset at Burnaby Lake. The sun was a huge orange ball of fire!
Six Cruisers met 6:30 pm on Wednesday for a run or walk, destination for all being Joe’s Trail. Shiraz and Bobtoc walked 30 minutes out along the Trail and returned, time out 1.01. Alex, Stormin’ Norman and Sharon ran, Alex and Norman to North Road, and Sharon not so far, then all returned to the Centre, time for Norman and Sharon about 50 minutes, slightly over one hour for Alex who continued along the Bby Lake north trail before turning back east to the Centre; time for him about one hour.Edie did not use the Joe’s Trail destination but ran a shorter run with her beautiful dogs Bella and April. The six plus Edie’s Cruisettes endured a warm and humid evening being alongside the Brunette River.
Five Cruisers met 7:30 am for runs or walks at the Centre Saturday. Lone walker Larry set out east using Cottonwood, Blue Mountain, Ivy and Webster in Coquitlam before returning to the Centre. Time, one hour. Runners Edie, Norman and Sharon ran to Como Lake, did one lap, then returned in the usual manner using Willoughby Ave in Burnaby on the way back; time, 1:04. Wannabe runners Rod and Bob
toc put in cameo appearances, waved goodbye to the runners and walker, then repaired to Tim Horton’s for a strategy meeting. bef
ore meeting the five movers (and shakers) upon their return. All experienced a light misty shower and cool weather.
Sunday: Rod ran the Delta Half Marathon and ran well for 13 km before a re-injury in his left lower
alf forced him to complete the Half walking with attempts at running. Notwithstanding the injury his time was 2:21.54. Alex Lau, Anna Hilborn and mom Laurie Hilborn ran the Delta 5 km, times and placements respectively, 13th, 26:06, 3rd , 21:37, and 33rd , 30:17.
PS: Burnaby runner Herb Phillips, now 70, ran the Half in 1:30:33, third overall. Jeez!
Sunday also was the day when Rod’s 70th birthday was celebrated at the home of hosts Edie
and Tim Kernighan by twenty-one Cruisers and “athletic supporters” with food, chocolate birthday cake, singing of Happy Birthday, some libation and plenty of fun and laughter. Nancy of blackberry fame and Rob, whom we have not seen for a while on the road, were included in the mix and added to the fun. Edie prepared an album for Rod of individual photos of Cruisers and supporters from many races, suitably signed by those in the photos. Neat touch for sure! Kudos big time , very big time, to our gem Edie and Tim for their hard work hosting the party. Thanks to all the Cruisers for contributing to another fun event with loads of food and fun.