Monday: Five Cruisers: Larry to walk, Debra, Rod, Sharon and Bobtoc to run, met at the Centre on a blustery, rainy but relatively mild evening and proceeded west via the usual autumn-winter route, Larry walking to Eastlake and Underhill, 58 minutes, 6km, and the other four running and walking, trying on the Jeff Galloway formula of 4 to 1 which seemed beneficial to those overcoming tendon injuries. The four went as far as Arden and Broadway at the pedestrian crossing there before retracing their steps to the Centre; 57 minutes, 8 km, no screaming hades. The five enjoyed some respite from showers on the return leg of their outing.

Ten Cruisers: Rachel and Ross to walk, Alex, Rene, Sharon, Shiraz, Rod, Edie, Libby and and Bobtoc set out from the Centre to the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass to Forest Grove Drive
, proceeding “round the horn” north and west to Underhill, then Shellmont to Greystone, Arden, east on Broadway to Underhill, east on Eastlake back to the Centre. Times for the runners varied from 1:15 to 1:20, distance 8/5 km. Rachel and Ross walked a lesser time and distance. The ten experienced a +10 C temperature and no precip.

Saturday: Debra Nicol greeted Larry, Stormin’ Norman, Shiraz, Rod and Bobtoc decked out for Hallowe-en resplendent in pajamas, a kimono in her favourite colour pink, bedroom slippers, curlers in hair preparatory to her spinnng class. Deb was in the Hallowe’en spirit for the stationery cyclers. A captive audience to be sure! Kudos to Deb for her flashy, sorry, wrong word, fashionable-for-the-day outfit. The five Cruisers then started their activity; Larry for his walk, Stormin’ Norman, Shiraz, Rod and Bobtoc for an lsd run. The five experienced a +5C temperature at start with mixed cloud and blue sky, perfect conditions for the outing, perhaps the best day of the year. Norman came from RCH from his 12 hour shift ending at 7:30 and Rod had a field hockey game to play at UBC in the afternoon. The five ran/walked west using the Government Street route, with Larry walking onto the Bby Lake north trail to the nature house before returning, his time 1:15. The four runners continue
d on Government Street and Winston to the pedestrian overpass near the Sperling Skytrain station at Dairyland, continued on the “new” trail to Douglas Road onto Still Creek Road. Rod and Bobtoc continued to the Burnaby recycling area (there must be a story there somewhere for the two septuagenarians) before retracing their steps to Cameron Centre. The two ran slowly with a fair amount of walking; their time 2:28, distance for Bobtoc 16 km, for Rod 17.5km. Stormin’ Norman, in fine fettle indeed, and Shiraz continued west on the Central Valley Urban Trail to Gilmore Avenue before returning; their time 2:34 and distance, for Norman, 21.6, for Shiraz, 20.
Sunday: A number ran the James Cunningham Sea Wall race this morning. Results follow.

Names Chip Times

Rene Lattizan 47:26
Debra Nicol 48:18
Alex Lau 50.32
Christina Saremba 52.45
Ken Blowey 1.01.25
Rachel Lindquist 1.06.39
Edie Kernighan 1.07.39
Laurie Hillborn 1.07.39
For the 70+ men’s category, eat your heart out, Herb Phillips of Burnaby, 38.05 Guess what, 1st place.