Monday evening:

Larry met Flora and Ross at their house and we did a short tour of the Coquitlam area south of Austin Road – along Quadling to Blue Mountain, north to Rochester, down Marmont and then west for a bit until we were back at Flora and Ross’s house. A quiet, pleasant neighborhood with houses of all ages and styles. We were out for 53 minutes, not sure of the distance but it was a good 6 K at least. Russ walked strongly and outpaced us at first. Larry was the beneficiary of Flora and Ross’s generosity with some food fortification after. A good time was had – and no rain!


Seven runners ran from the Centre on the usual Eastlake route west, Tracy, Rene and Sharon leading the pack, their destination the IGA corner and return, time about one hour, distance 9.5 km; Edie solo walked her dogs Bella and April to Eastlake and Underhill; on her return met Val out for a breather from Hood Jr and Hood Sr, all doing well. Edie’s time approx 50 mins. Rod, Shiraz and Bobtoc ran as far as Underhill and Broadway before returning, also meeting Val enroute to the Centre, time 42 minutes after deducting time with Val and Edie. Distance about 5 km.
Walkers and runners alike were spared rain, perhaps thanks to the raindance performed by Bobtoc and bride, mandated by Rod, and a balmy temperature of 8C.
Wednesday – Three Cruisers only: Libby, Rene and Sharon ran from the Centre Wednesday evening, their route being the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass from Beaverbrook north to the Forest Grove Drive, west to Underhill, then south to Eastlake and return to the Centre. Rene dried the pavement on Eastlake on the return due to his high speed. The trio enjoyed relatively balmy temperature and no precip.

Sunday: Eight runners we know plus Frank Norman of the Telus group ran the Fall Classic Half Marathon or 10K this morning. The stats follow:
Half Marathon:
Norman Lum 1.41.56
Frank Norman 1.51.56
Rick Davidson 1.52.34
Carla Castellani 2.05.25
Christina Saremba 2.06.02
Ken Blowey 2.23.13
Shiraz Mohamed 2.26.11
Rachel Lindquist 1.06.05
Bob Kuhn 1.14.05 4th in age group. Out of 4.
For your information the top three in the 70+Male division had times of less than 60 minutes. Bobtoc is eating his heart out.
The runners encountered minus 1 C temperature and some slippery places on the route despite efforts of volunteers who started work on the route at 4:00 am this morning. They did a fabulous job. Skies were sunny, no white stuff came down. It was the coldest Fall Classic I can recall in 23 years of FC runs.
Apres Race Luncheon:
Nineteen or so runners and athletic supporters enjoyed a luncheon at the Cactus Club on Lougheed Highway, arrangements made by Sergeant Major Christina. Budweiser Queens Laurie and Edie, kitted out in regal tiaras, tacky plastic Bud jewellery and robes graced the luncheon. The Budweiser story just does not go away, thanks to their persistence. When oh when will they realize what crud is Bud? A great time was had by all; our heartfelt thanks to Christina. NB: She celebrates her birthday Tuesday Nov. 23. Happy birthday Christina!
Oldest member of the Cruiser OFC, you can figure that out, also who he is, was recognized with a birthday cake on which a photograph of him with of all things a Bud cap to celebrate his 76th birthday last week. The cake was unexpected and was a complete surprise to the older chap. His warmest thanks go to Rear Admiral Edie for her continuing thoughtfulness to club members. She is a gem.