Eleven Cruisers including Ross Johnson walked or ran Monday evening, the temperature being a comfortable +7C, no precip. Walkers Larry, Flora and Ross met at and walked from Coronado Drive in Montecito to Broadway and Underhill and return, time 58 minutes, meeting the runners near the crosswalk to the golf course. Runners Norman, Shiraz and Tracy, Alex, S
haron and Bobtoc ran to the IGA corner and back, the first three in 1:01, the second three in 1:16. Runners Rod and RA Edie ran to Broadway and Underhill only due to their upcoming races at Boundary Bay, their time 54 minutes.
Seven Cruisers: Tracy, vanguard of the group, Norman,
Shiraz, Sharon, Alex, RA Edie and Bobtoc ran to Forest Grove Drive via the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass, west to Underhill, Shellmont to Meadowood, Arden Drive, south and east to Broadway, down to Eastlake and return, time ranging from an hour to 1:07, distance estimated at 9 km. The seven enjoyed clear skies, no rain of course, temperature +5C, probably the best night of the year. Rod made a cameo appearance in civvies due to his upcoming half on Sunday.

Sunday: Boundary Bay was very pretty, the clouds were low and sometimes there was misty rain so it was perfect running weather. There were 400 runners in all the events and Mitchell did a good job of organizing.
Laurie and I did the 10k; Laurie – 1:06 and me 1:15; Rod ran the half in 2:20. It was a fun event, very scenic and FLAT. Lots of cute dogs to pet and some beautiful houses and gardens to look at. We all enjoyed the different location. One of the best things about running is that we see communities that we wouldn’t otherwise. Good place for a Cameron road trip some time. Alex came out as an athletic supporter.
We want to do it again next year – it had the Sechelt feel about it.
That’s it, except we liked the t shirt and the medal.