Five Cruisers met Saturday at the Centre on a COLD, COLD morning at 8:00, so cold that Rod did not wear shorts. The five used the route down to Government Street leading to Winston. Rod ran to the Piper Spit before returning, his time out 58 minutes, distance circa 7 km. Alex and Sharon opted to run another 10 minutes before turning, guestimated time 80 minutes, turnaround place not known. Longer distance runners Norman and Rene continued on; however Rod was not at the Centre to determine when they arrived back and where they turned. Bobtoc is still nursing his foot; much improved.

Twelve Cruisers met Wednesday at 6:30 pm: Tracy led Larry, Sayeeda, Rene, Alex, Libby, Bobtoc (his first run since the Half due to a foot injury), Rod , Shiraz, Lora,Sharon and RA Edie running north and west over the Gaglardi overpass to Forest Grove Drive, the first five continuing to the IGA corner and return, time out 73 minutes for Alex who acted as sweeper to ensure the runners were OK; Rod and Sharon ran ahead of Libby and Bobtoc who turned into Meadowood to the right of way leading to Broadway, then returned to the Centre via the usual route, time about 63 and 71 minutes, respectively; Edie, Shiraz and Lora turned south on Underhill to Broadway thence the usual route to the Centre, time 58 minutes. The weather at first was cold with a wind from the west. The wind eventually died down providing good conditions for the various groups.

Libby ran 24.5 km. Sunday with the Langley Running Room group, blames peer pressure for going the distance. Libby? Peer pressure? Hard to believe. Going the distance? For sure.
Alex Lau on Saturday after returning to the Centre from the morning run continued, soloing from the Centre to Central Park in Burnaby before returning again to the Centre; total distance 29 km, additional time about 2 hours.