Our leader, stopping under shelter to tie his shoes. Wet run from Science World to Waterfront.

Monday evening’s run:

Alex, Edie with her dog April, Larry, Sherian and Bobtoc met 10 month old Damien who brought his mom

Valerie for a visit and to loan Sherian his stroller for a few weeks. The group greeted Flora and Ross, now on their pins after their kidney-related procedures at VGH. Flora and Ross did a 30 min walk up to the Stoney Creek school and took the trail back. Alex, Edie, April, Larry, Sherian and Bobtoc did an EZ run to Forest Grove Drive via Beaverbrooks, the Gaglardi overpass, to Underhill, north to the lane east of Broadway through past Cinnamon Drive, continuing on the trail to Forest Grove Drive thence back to the overpass and to the Centre. Time approximately one hour, with Edie and Bobtoc being the tail-end Charlies. The group enjoyed gorgeous weather, summer seemingly has arrived – not!

Wednesday run: Alex, RA Edie, Rob, Sherian and Bobtoc ran from the Centre to the Burnaby Lake north trail just past the nature house and return, time out 1:00, distance 7.3 km per Aliex’s GPS. The five enjoyed a warm but somewhat muggy evening, accosted by a few mosquitos. No fatalities, human or pests. The five encountered some of Rainy’s group starting from the parking lot, 4 km out and 4 km in.

Running Room 20 minute challenge: Registration necessary. Use the Running Room website.
Under the leadership of Rainy Kent with husband Joe Turtle, the Giro di Burnaby roared back to the Heights under perfect weather conditions; dry roads, immaculately swept by Burnaby Engineering workers, over 200 volunteers who fenced, administered, guarded parking lots and a myriad of other activities. Rain
y’s trained captains and volunteers capably had the route fences in less than an hour, circa 50 minutes. The event was flawless; no accidents, no glum faces anywhere, a tribute to the organizing abilities of Rainy and crew. Eighteen cycled the 20 lap women’s race commencing at 6:30, and 72 cycled the 30 lap men’s race. Women’s one and two placed finishers were well ahead the remainder, and the first three finishers in the male race were photo-finishers, hounded closely by the other finishers. Steve King performed on the mic in his usual stellar way. The threatening clouds held their moisture until a few minutes after both races and presentations occurred. Talk about timing!
Kudos to Cruisers Carla, Alex and his wife Angela, Edie, Rachel and Bobtoc who were volunteers. All in all, a great evening. Can’t wait for next year’s Giro. Saw and talked to Len and Miriam Soet and Iris Hill who were part of the crowd enjoying the races.

Rod, Larry, Alex, RA Edie, Rachel, Verna and Bobtoc set forth on the Skytrain Saturday close to 7:00 am for their run from the Science Centre on the north side to the Stanley Park seawall continuing to the Waterfront Food Fair under constant rain but mild temperature conditions. The seascape was marred by clouds and mist. The seven encountered a 10km race sponsored by John Hill’s running group on the seawall, volunteers and racers enjoying the raindrops as much as did the seven. Time and distance, 2:05 to 2:18 total, inclusive of pit stops etc., distance 16.66 km per Verna’s

Bobtoc left the group to attend the Whitecaps vs Salt Lake Real FC game to be held at Empire Field. Now we know the game was postponed due to the poor condition of the pitch due to insufficient draini

ng of the newly-installed grass laid over the Astroturf. More luck Monday hopefully. NB: We have a new running coach, Larry. We are no longer swabbies, we are maggots! Marine discipline is now the order of the day. Shape up or ship out!

Instead of “Run” we will now hear “Get going, Maggots!” (That’s Ms. Maggot to you, coach.) and “Get the lead out!”