Nine runners met Monday at Cameron Centre for their evening run. Cruisers Alice, RA Edie, Rene’, Alex, Iris Hill (back from the far north plus Maui) and Bobtoc welcomed Ian Zhang, a grad from a previous Sun Run Clinic, and Alice’s squeeze Jason. The nine formed three different groups; the first consisting of Alex, Iris and Laura opted to run to the IGA corner and return, time 1:06 and distance 9.5km; the second consisting of Alice, Ian, Rene’ and Jason started on Broadway, Arden and Greystone all the way to the Burnaby Mountain Trans Canada Trail on Shellmont, then ran along that trail in the woods behind Forest Grove Elementary School until Forest Grove Drive; then zigzagged down to the pedestrian overpass on Gagliardi and continued along Beaverbrook Crescent to Stoney Creek Elementary. They passed the Community Gardens there, took the trail along Stoney Creek all the way to Beaverbrook Drive and back to Cameron Park; time about 47 minutes, and 7.5 km in total. It was fun! The third group, RA Edie and Bobtoc together with Edie’s gorgeous dogs opted to walk to Underhill and Eastlake and return, time 1 hour. the groups enjoyed great weather, a spillover from Sunday, t
he best night of the year.

Alex, Sherian and Bobtoc joined Rainy’s group Wednesday at 6:30 for a 5 km run on the North trail, starting at the creek bridge near the parking lot to the wooden bridge at the Nature House and return. The two dozen or so runners enjoyed great weather, one or two mosquitoes, and lots of laughs. run.

Nine Cruisers: Larry, Sayeeda, Rick, Chris, Alex, Bob, Laura, Verna and RA Edie ran at Rocky Point Saturday on a perfect mor
ning for running: sunny, good visability, not too warm, just right. The first four ran as far as the Ioco refinery gates; the next four ran to the Ioco church, and RA Edie ran a lesser distance with her dogs Bella and April. T
he first four completed their run at the pier, but the others did not due to the Golden Spike festivities for which Port Moody groups were preparing. Distances for the first four, 11+ km, for the second four, 10.9 k
m, times

for all in the 1:25 to 1:35 vicinity. Sherian somehow missed us at Rocky Point, so she ran in her neighbourhood and on Eastlake, usual route, did 1:3

0 time.

On Friday Edie ran th

e Canada Day 10k in White Rock. Her time was 1:11, and commented the course seemed uphill all the way despite descriptions to the contrary. She received a Canada Day medal plus a run shirt. Not content just with run

ning the race, Edie also assisted distributing race packets.