Cruisers were busy on the Monday BC Day holiday.
Ten gathered Monday morning for a run/walk at Rocky Point. The Johnsons report: Ross did a decent 75min walk on the upper paved route. I did a 60min run

on the paved and returning on the trail. Both of us got to the Orchard Park beach on the Ioco side and back to have a coffee at the park
We looked for the Cruisers till about 10am before leaving. Hope you were not waiting for us at the pier? Somehow missed you guys. I trust it was a good run by all. Ross and Flora.

Runners Alex, Chris, Rick, RA Edie, Verna, Larry, Rod and Bobtoc ran from the Point as far as the Ioco refinery gates, with Chris and Rick in the lead, who, when they met the remainder, reversed themselves, ran with the remainder back to the gates then some ran north on 2nd Avenue before returning to the Point. Rick and Chris covered 13.4 km, the others from 11.4 and up. Times varied from 1:34 for Rick and Chris to about 2 hours for the last ones to finish. All ten enjoyed without a doubt the very best morning of the year so far; gentle breezes and temperatures, excellent visibility, clear skies, grest fauna, family groups, dogs, lots of walkers, time to take in the rays at the pier apres’ running. It doesn’t get any better than this.
On Saturday Adele and Tracy cycled starting at 6:30 am; no details of where and how far did they cycle.

Wednesday report courtesy of Larry:

Because the weather was a
wesome although a bit humid, six Cruisers showed up ready for a nice “short” run. Little did we know…as we ran down to Burnaby Lake trails, the usual north end entrance was closed due to work on the trail, so we headed over to Avalon St. and entered the trails and did the south end. Well, it was supposed to be a south end only run but curiosity got the better of three Cruisers while the other, smarter ones, Laura, Laurie and Edie, turned back about 4 km into the run and went back to Cameron Centre. Rod, Larry and Alex continued on through the trails to the Central Valley parking lot, said hello to Rainy and Joe and the rest of their group at their tailgate party, and kept going, suddenly realizing how far it was and having to get back somehow! Without food or drink from the tailgate party, the three continued along the north end of the lake trails, exiting on Piper by the nature house, and proceeded along Winston and back to Cameron. Time out for the ladies, approx. 1 hour and distance 8.5 km or so. Time out for the gents, 2 hours and distance about 15 km. And we have an invitation to join Rainy and Joe’s group at their tailgate next Wednesday – let’s go and party with them as it’s much easier than doing a “short” run!

On Saturday morning by Skytrain Alex, RA Edie, Larry, Verna and Bobtoc travelled to the Science World near Terminal Avenue. The five opted to do the short run, i.e. run from Science World to the south side of False Creek to the Burrard Bridge. The five were joined by latecomers Laura and Eoin, Laura on foot, and Eoin on his bike. The seven crossed the Burrard Bridge by ground footpath to the west side, then ran up the stairs to the bridge deck and continuied north across the bridge, west on Pacific to Thurlow, south to Beach then east to the north side of False Creek to return to Science World and the Skytrain station to return to Burnaby. The run/walk/bike could hardly be called a training run since the seven took the time to enjoy nature and the world-class city of Vancouver at their finest. The skies were cloudy, temperature perfect for the outing, ideal conditions to commune with our surroundings. Distances and time: 9:4 to 10:4, 77 minutes.
Rod, tapering somewhat for the Delta Half Aug 14, ran from his home to Lake City, then up Underhill and Forest Grove area on his return, distance 8:00 km, time 60 minutes.