Laura, Valerie, Shiraz and Edie ran to Underhill & Broadway and back Tuesday night. It was about 45 minutes – I forgot to turn off my watch. The evening was perfect and we saw Damien in his gym class with his daddy before we left.
Eight Cruisers welcomed Marissa, a work colleague of Flora and Minnesota Rachel to the Wednesday run. The nine started their walks or runs on a rainy, dark evening, although very shortly the rain ceased leaving a mild autumn scene for all. All headed west on our most usual autumn season route. Rod, nursing some painful muscles, and Edie together with her two dogs walked to Broadway and
Underhill before returning. Flora, Marissa ran/walked to the foot of Shellmont before returning;
7.5 km. Larry, Alex, Libby, Rachel and Bobtoc ran to IGA and return, 9.5 km, time varying from 1 hour flat for Larry, 1:22 for Alex, 1:25 for Rachel and 1:29 for Libby and Bobtoc.
Carla and Alex again did th
e Grouse Grind this week!
Eight Cruisers turned out Saturday on a fine autumn morning. The eight headed south then east to Joe’s Trail. Rod, Flora, Rene’, Alex and Bobtoc ran to the North Road terminus of Joe’s Trail, distance 7.4 km, time 1.05. Larry, Stormin’ Norman and Minnesota Rachel continued east crossing North Road into Hume Park up to and beyond Larry’s hill before r
eturning, distance 10.8 km, time 1:20.
Several Cruisers participated in the James Cunningham Seawall Run. Laurie, Chris and Edie carpooled and met Christina, Debra and Alex and Angela there. Alex was handing out packages and Pumpkin Angela was making soup. It was fitting th
at Laurie, Edie, Christina and Debra came as Lady Bugs with Chris, our bug expert. He knew more about us than we knew about ourse
lves. Just before the run started, the skies opened up and it poured. Rained pretty much all the way but we westcoast bugs were not deterred, our wings drooped but not our spirits. Pirate Alex did a personal best on the course with a time of 50:26:53 followed closely by Chris at 51:27:05. The Lady Bugs came in together in about 1:13ish, opting to keep RA Edie LLB (Last Lady Bug) company instead of flitting on ahead. We b
ugs got a $10 Subway card each for dressing up and Debra won a door prize.
Great organization and lots of fun with all the costumes and humourous remarks.
Laurie, Edie and Chris had lunch on the way home at White Spot while Christina and Debra, having got delayed, went to Timmy’s on Broadway.
Lady Bug, Lady Bug, fly away home, your house is on fire and your children are alone. Oh never mind, the rain will put out the fire! Carry on!
Great organization and lots of fun with all the costumes and humourous remarks.
Laurie, Edie and Chris had lunch on the way home at White Spot while Christina and Debra, having got delayed, went to Timmy’s on Broadway.
Lady Bug, Lady Bug, fly away home, your house is on fire and your children are alone. Oh never mind, the rain will put out the fire! Carry on!