Six Cruisers: Sherian, Carla, RA Edie, Flora, Alex and Bobtoc met at and ran from the Centre Wednesday on a showery evening to Underhill and Broadway only, time 46 minutes, distance 4.7 km, undeterred by the light rain, although the runners stretched inside the Centre instead of hanging out at the familiar corral fence. NB. Carla has climbed the Grouse Grind 20 times this year, some with work colleagues, five with Terri Field and five with Alex Lau. Another Wow!
Ten runners/walkers showed up Wednesday on a mild, no precip evening to move west on our usual autumn-winter route. Walkers Larry, Ross and Tracy walked to Broadway and Underhill before returning, distance 4.7 km, time 47 minutes. Rene and Alex ran to IGA and return, 9.5 km, time about an hour; Flora and Rachel ran to the lighted crosswalk before Shellmon ton Greystone, crossed to the other side before returning, distance about 7 km; Libby, Laura and RA Edie ran to Shellmont before returning, distance about 7.5 km. Senators Rod and Bobtoc walked to Tim Horton’s and return for victuals, distance 1.1, time 50 minutes including stopover.
Ten Cruisers and adherents turned out Saturday for run/walks. Lone walker Larry started with the group headed east toward Como Lake, walking east on Cottonwood to Robinson, then south to Foster to return to the Centre, time out about 1 1/4. Runners Laura, Eoin, RA Edie, Rod, Flora, Verna, Len Soet from the Telus group and Bobtoc took an EZ run to Como Lake, did one circuit before returning to the Centre, distance 7.6 km, time a leisurely 1:19. Eoin and Bobtoc brought up the rear having solved a number of the world’s problems in dialogue. No takers from the world leaders so far, however we know embassies and consul offices are closed on the weekends. The group missed rain that came down from the overcast skies not too long before returning to the Centre.