Laura and Larry, taking advantage of perhaps the best night of the year, no joke – clear, not too cold, slight breeze – did a good-pace run from the Centre on Yee Old IGA Trail and back, time out 1hour 10 minutes, distance 9.5 km. We were wondering where others were, but after factoring for injuries, travel, and breaks from Sunday’s Langley Historic runs, we concluded that most people did have valid reasons for being absent so we’ll let them off the hook this time….including Bobtoc who was recovering from a calf cramp (ouch!)

Four Cruisers plus Edie’s two dogs ran from the Centre on a showery, cold evening. Laura, Sherian, Bobtoc ran and RA Edie with said dogs walked to Eastlake and Underhill before returning, with Laura and Sherian continuing to North Road before calling it a night. Time for the group to the Centre, 46 minutes, for Laura and Sherian another 14 minutes to and from North Road.

Leo Liu joined Edie, Laurie, Larry, Alex, Flora and Bobtoc, the latter six to run 16 km on a route to Kensington Arena and back. Leo ran with the group to Broadway and turned back at the corner of Broadway and Arden, time approximately an hour. The remaining six completed their route in times ranging from 2:15 to, for Flora and Bobtoc, 2:27. Alex continued to Como Lake before returning to Cameron Centre, distance 26 k. no report on his ttotal ime. The weather conditions included gusty winds, temperatures 3 to 5C, some sun and NO RAIN.