Minnesota Rachel was a no show Monday at 8:00 am.  Alex, Laura and Bobtoc ran to the Burnaby Lake north trail to the nature house and returned to the Centre.  Time 1:04, distance approximately 7 k.  The three experienced very minor showers and a temperature ideal for our short run.

Wednesday’s run, report courtesy of Minnesota (Rust Belt) Rachel:
“Bobtoc was a no show yesterday opting instead for free food, so typical of those flaky Manitobans!   Rod and new runner Katie and I enjoyed a lovely run ‘round the usual way, Beaverbrook up Underhill and around Forest Grove.  Beautiful sunny weather with welcome shady stretches.  We ran at a slow pace so Katie could keep up, not at all because we were lazy or tired..”  
The other no-shows, RA Edie, Alex and Angela, Laurie  and Larry attended the Giro di Burnaby volunteers meeting for instruction and dinner at the Confederation Centre on Albert St near Willingdon Wednesday, along with 160+ others.  It was great to see so many friends from Sun Run clinics and Rainy’s group.  The Giro di Burnaby takes place Thursday July 12 on the Heights, between Madison and McDonald Avenues on Hastings Street.  The behind-the-scens effort in setting up fencing, barricades and hay bales on the corners, then the take-down after the two races, is done with great precision thanks to the work of the volunteers headed by Rainy, event director.

The Grouse Grind:

RA Edie, Laurie, Pat Hargreaves, Minnesota Rachel, Larry and Bobtoc met at the Centre, motored to North Vancouver and scaled the 2.9 km long, 853 metre elevation Grouse Grind on a sunny Saturday morning with hundreds of other hikers who no doubt had a pent up demand after the wet and cool weather experienced here so long a time.   Edie, Laurie, Pat and Rachel completed the climb sooner than Larry (who stayed with his old man for safety’s sake) and Bobtoc, the latter two taking 2:10 to complete the hike.  The six enjoyed immensely the ambience, the weather, the spectacular scenery.   Thanks to all for the encouragement given to the old guy.

The run from Cameron Centre:
Laura and Rod ran to the IGA corner and return, time approximately an hour.  They too basked in the wonderful sunny weather.