René, Larry and Libby took advantage of the beautiful evening and went for a run to Joe’s trail, but about 1/4 km into the trail came up against a big fence blocking off the rest of the trail (I guess they’re still building those condos in there, who knows), so we turned around and went the other way, to the Burnaby Lake nature house, then returned to Cameron Centre.  It was a little bit humid on the lake trail but there didn’t seem to be any skeeters so we enjoyed it.  The daylight time is getting shorter, so those evening trail runs are coming to a close – sigh.    Time out, 1 hour 10 min., distance about 8 km.  
From Jennel:  MondayI was running solo tonight, so I left earlier than usual to catch the daylight hours.  I started to run the Bert Flinn Trail, which is located approx 20 min. run from my home, at the end of David Ave.  It is apparently this huge park/trail that goes around the entire Burrard Inlet.   I ran in the forest for approx. 15 min., but then realized even in the daylight, this was a little too secluded for my liking….beautiful, yes…but “never go into the woods alone!”  is the old saying!  “and there were no “biffies” as far as I could see….So, I turned around and ran back down David up Noon Creek to Bramblewood School’s track and did a few laps and some speed work, then ran home.  Not a bad run;  total time out was 1:40.
From Jennel:  Thursday – Heather & I met at the corner of David & Pinetree again at 1:00pm today.  From there we ran down to Guilford Way and up Hospital Hill (but we didn’t have to go into the hospital, even if we felt like it!) ha! ha!  We ran all the way to Rocky Point down to the end of the Pier, tapped the end and made our way back doing the same route.  The distance we ran together was 1:40.  14km for Heather and est. 15km for me as I live a bit farther from her.  So our times were 2:00 hours for Heather and 2:30 for me as I get that HUGE Parkway Blvd Hill on the way home!   Fall Classic here we come.

Five Cruisers:  Larry, Katie, Rene, Rachel and Bobtoc ran south from the Centre on a hot Saturday am, south on Erickson Drive down to Government Street, then south on Cariboo into the north trail of Burnaby Lake to the nature house, and return to the Centre; distance 8 km, time 1:12.  The run was a combination run and walk, allowing for the heat, and for Bobtoc’s first run in a month, having been in Russia, the Ukraine and Poland.   Edie met the five at the Centre to say hello to the five.  After the run, most of the Cruisers visited Rod at his home on this the second day home from Burnaby Hospital after his surgery by the runner’s urologist Dr John Warner. 
Other news:  On Friday, Minnesota was sworn in as a Canadian citizen.  Canada wins!  Congratulations, Rachel.