Monday’s run was cancelled due to fog and ice…Rod and Pat are enjoying warm weather in Kauai with no fog and the only ice is in their drinks.  We are NOT whining (much).

Sherian’s run Monday evening:
“Didn’t check my e-mail so went to Cameron tonight.  It wasn’t too bad a night.  Not as foggy as around my house.  Not too cold 2 degree above.  Surface not icy.  No one else showed up.  I ran for 45 minutes.  Stayed in lit areas.  Ran from Center to Noel — went east along Noel and back around Lougheed Mall and up Cameron to North Road.  —  Sherian”
On Wednesday evening four Cruisers turned out at the Centre, one to walk, the others to run.  Larry walked to Broadway and Underhill via Eastlake and return.  Alex, Edie and Bobtoc ran Eastlake, Underhill, Broadway to a public pathway into the Meadowood area, north via the residential streets to Shellmont, east to Underhill, south back to Eastlake, Beaverbrook, to the Centre; distance 7.5 km, time 1:09.  The foursome enjoyed no precip,  +3C temperature, overcast skies, all an improvement over the fog and icy conditions experienced recently.

Aloha to the Hawaiian Cruisers,  We hope you are enjoying good weather and are relaxing.  What’s the price of Yellow Tail Shiraz this year?    Bobtoc.

Somewhere over the rainbow, there’s warmth and sunshine.  Just close your eyes and pretend.  Second thought, don’t close your eyes, you might slip on the ice.  

Mon. Report. Heather & I met at Pinetree & David from our own homes, we then ran the perimeter of Lafarge & a bit extra then back to our homes…of course a little chat along the route.
Time out 1:27
Distance 11.60km
Good work men!

Seven Cruisers turned out Saturday on a mild +3C no precip morning.  The seven formed 3 groups: walkers  Christina, Edie and Larry, runners Laura and Rene’ being the faster group, and Flora and Bobtoc being the lsd group.  All groups headed south and west to Joe’s trail.  The walkers and fast runners ran through to North Road and returned to the Centre.  The lsd runners continued past North Road to Hume Park, continued up Larry’s Hill onto Garrett St, continued west to the R. C. Hospital at Sherbrooke St, then turned north onto Fader St,, jogged over to Kelly St before returning to North Road by heading back into Moody Park, then into Joe’s Trail to return to the Centre.  The run included a pit stop at New Life Community Church on Government St. plus lots of philosophical talk, enjoyed immensely.  Distance for the walkers and fast runners groups, about 7 km, and for the lsd runners group, 10km, and their time 1:46. 
Aloha again to the Hawaiian Cruisers who are on their way to Oahu.  Rod reports good weather, 80 F temperature,  that the price of Yellow Tail Shiraz is $5.99, and the walking and snorkeling are great.  No BBC’s reported.  No wonder!

 Chilly Chase 15k January 27th.
Wet and cold but we the Frau Princesses sucked it up!  Great route.