On Monday evening, Rod, Laura, Edie and April walked to the end of the Stoney Creek Trail and back.  No rain, a nip in the air and a nice walk to view the ever greening effects of Spring.  Edie=
From Coqutlam:
Heather & I met at Walton Elementary School, from there we did a warm-up walk along Hoy Creek.  We then went inside the school’s gymnasium to do one hour of Zumba! 
Seven Cruisers showed up Wednesday for run/walks.  Adele and Tracy, whom we have not seen for some time, walked with Larry and Bobtoc and the four caught up on happenings in the lives of all.  Alex, Laura and Edie, accompanied by her two canines Bella and April plus another canine being cared for by Edie and Tim for a few weeks.  The route used by the seven was short; ie the Stoney Creek trail and return.  Time for all seven was 42 minutes, less for Adele and Tracy who left the group to run/walk to their respective homes rather than end at the Centre.  The seven endured cool but no precip weather.

Alex, Laura, Rene and Bobtoc ran a composite route of a few of our runs.  The four ran west and south using Cameron Stl, to Government St. , north on Production Way, west onto Government Road to Piper Ave., north crossing Lougheed Highway to Lake City Waym west on Broadway and Arden, east on Shellmont crossing to the lane behind the  Forest Grove Elementary School and the shi=opping centre at Cinnamon Drive, down to F. G. Drive, the pedestrian overpass, east through the Stoney Creek Elementary School grounds to the Stoney Creek trail, with Laura and Rene hanging a left to North Road before returning to the Centre, their time 98 minutes.  Alex and Bob hung a right on the trail to return to the Centre, their time 90 minutes, distance calculated by Alex 9.5 km. The four experienced +1C temperature at the start, some sunshine, some overcast skies.  Alex continued on, probably for his last long run before tapering for the Vancouver marathon. His target was 32 km for the day. .  His additional run was:
“My solo run took me 2 hours 20 minutes for another 20Km. My total distance was 29.7K (2.3K short of the target 32Km distance. So what ?) total time 3:50.  Started with light rain and finished with my cap and the jacket dripping water when I was back in the Cameron Centre.  My route : through the trail between the town houses to North road via Sullivan. North on North Road to Chapman. East on Chapman to Robinson. South along Robinson to Regan. East on Regan to Como Lake. Around Como Lake to Foster. East on Foster to Mundy Park. Circled around the perimeter of the Park to Hillcrest at Winslow. West on Winslow to Blue Mountain. North on Blue Mountain to Smith. West on Smith to Robinson.  South on Robinson to Appian. Finally West on Appian and back to Cameron Centre.

Coast to Coast Training Walk
Carla and I left Kensington Plaza at 12:30 and proceeded down Kensington to Broadway, then to Holdom and Lougheed.  We continued mostly on Lougheed until we reached Gilmore where we got on the Central Valley Trail, following that route until Commercial.  At the corner (as part of the training), we stopped at St. Augustine’s for beer and nachos.  Once replenished, we continued north on Commercial until we reached Parker, then continued to Renfrew, where we detoured to Hastings for a post beer pit stop at the PetroCan (no pun intended), then back to Pender to the alley beside Cassiar, then along Adanac, which somehow turned into Union, then to Holdom, Francis, through Burnaby North and back to Kensington Plaza at 6 PM for a total of 20.9k. The return route was mostly uphill.
Commercial Drive was a beehive of activity with interesting characters and I had not been on some of the streets before that we walked back on so enjoyed the new sights.  Some of the people probably thought I was strange with rain gear on.  Perfect day for walking, started out in the rain but clear and beautiful in Vancouver.  I like walking around taking in the different neighbourhoods.  Edie