
Three cruisers, Laura, Road and Rachel (returning after months of absence due to injury recovery and nursing courses) went from Cameron through Joe’s Trail to North Road and back, with Rachel dictating the pace so as not to push it too much. Time out 1h13, distance 7 km.


From Coquitlam:

Heather & I ran from our homes to the corner of David & Pinetree.  From there, we ran around Lafarge Lake twice while I filled her in on my Las Vegas Trip! (Wonderful getaway!).  We then ran back to our homes.  Approx. time 1.5 hours each.  I ended my run with a run up the Coquitlam Grind….’sucker for punishment!?!’
Tuesday:  RA Edie and Larry were driven to YVR in midafternoon to meet over the course of time  Susan, Judy and Sarah for their walkathon from St Bees in Yorkshire to Robin Hood’s Bay on the east coast, starting with a few days in London first. 
Bobtoc did not join the Tuesday=Thursday group…

On Wednesday Libby coined anew word to describe the walk/run Laura, Libby and Bobtoc did Wednesday.  The word is wun, a hybrid from the words walk and run.  The trio wunned (Libby, we need to refine the past tense) from the Centre to Stoney Creek trail, north on North road to Chapman Ave through to Clarke Road, crossing to Robinson St, staying on it to Appian Way, then west to Whiting St, thence to North Road, Cameron St to return to the Centre.  Time out 1:14.  the three enjoyed clear skies, a balmy but not hot temperature, ideal for the wun.  Wun.  Should have mentioned Harvey wan with Bwobtoc.
News from the Cameron Trekkers in England: 
Spent some time in London, sampled Harrod’s Lager, will start their trek Sunday from St Bees on the west coast. 
No room in the luggage to bring beers back but please sit back and imagine you are enjoying a Harrod’s Lager.  On our way to St.  Bees.   Thank goodness for the coffee cart.   Can’t do this on a moving train so more later.  The Cameron Trekkies.
No prospective clubhouse was found Saturday morning on Alderside Drive during the run from Rocky Point to April Road and return. Six Cruisers:  Laura, Rachel, Flora, Rene, Alex and Bobtoc ran the usual route, Alex having arrived late at Rocky Point but made up the time and distance while the others were on Alderside.  Flora, Rachel and Bobtoc wun (the new word) while Laura and Rene ran the route, with Alex also running with Rene.  Flora, Rachel and Bobtoc managed to squeeze into 1:32 a 60 minute run, the others managing the distance in a shorter time.  The six enjoyed a cool overcast morning, ideal for run-walking. 
News from the Cameron Trekkers in England: 
Ensconsced in St Bees, starting their trek Sunday.  The B & B in St. Bees is excellent, houses available for clubhouse, however have insufficient bedrooms and laundry facilities to make enough money to pay the mortgage.  Edie meets David Beckham in London!  Picture to be sent concurrent with this update.  Beckham looks stiff and formal in tuxedo.
Met a new guy in London.  Didn’t want to get too close in case he melted.😊
St. Bees is so beautiful.   Larry, Judy and I walked along the cliffs at sunset last night.  Today we’re going to do more exploring.  We have brilliant sunshine and are sitting in the garden before breakfast.  The B & B is first rate and they have 5 dogs.   Pet paradise.  Got to go play a little ball with Moss now.  Have a good run today. RAE

From Rod: 

Went out from home Sunday morning. Usual way up through Lake City to the old IGA and back up Shellmont then through Forest Grove, over Gaglardi, etc. Time out 1h23, distance 10.5km. See you Monday.

On Monday evening Laura, Rod and Bobtoc ran from the Centre using Stoney Creek trail to North Road, Chapman Ave east to Robinson Street, south to Appian Way, west to Whiting St, south and west to North Road, crossed to Cameron Street to return to the Centre.  Weather, balmy, no precip, daylight until late, time 1:15, then time to stretch the bods. 

Scheduled walks of the Cameron Trekkers in England: 

Leave St. Bees June 9 for 14 mile strenuous day, to Ennerdale;  June 10 for another strenuous 14 miler to Rosthwaite;, June 11 for strenuous 10 miler to Grasmere; June 12 for strenuous 8 miles to Patterdale; June 13 for 16 mile strenuous day to Shap.   

Seeing as the hierarchy are all away travelling this is just to let you know that we are meeting as usual at Cameron 8 am Saturday. Probably will go from Cameron to Burnaby Lake, but that is open to discussion.
See you then
Rod (and the non-travelling Cruisers)

Four cruisers, Laura, Rene, Alex and Rod left Cameron on a beautiful morning, circumnavigated Burnaby Lake and back to Cameron. Time out 1h48 (less for Rene), distance 13 km, though Alex says it was more. Rod’s GPS was suffering from operator error.
Our fearless leader (a.k.a. Bobtoc, The old Fart, The Old Chap or whatever else you want to call him (Libby be careful) will be back on Wednesday to take over the reins.
No news lately from the Cameron Trekkers. The weather there has, I believe, turned a bit wet, so hope they haven’t been

washed into Ullswater Lake.

Monday as usual 6.30 at Cameron. Rod

 Cameron Trekkers had a shorter day today with an “undulating” road walk of 17.62 k, arriving at our wonderful B&B in the middle of nowhere (Keld).   We are half way now.🚶Yahoo!  Miss you all.
 Sue had to stop walking because of blisters and possible infection.  She is going to doctor or hospital today.  She is very disappointed.   The rest of us are doing well.  We have about an 11 mile walk today and think we get to walk through a village or two.  Weather is overcast today.   No rain yesterday.
Facilities have been scarce on the trail and there was great excitement when we came across a porta-loo.  So we lined up to use it.  It turned out that our B&B was about 100 yards down the road.  We finally find one.😋

Thank you to Rob Hargreaves for maintaining our Updates whilst Bobtoc and bride in Trail for grade 12 graduation of son Jeff’s daughter Felicity.  Next stop for her:  McGill U.

Next run: Saturday 8:00 am at Cameron Centre.  Rod will not be running due to BC Athletics

commitment.  See below.

From Jennel re: Monday’s run in Poco: 
Heather & Jennel I ran 58 min. full tilt today in PoCo….8km=
From Rod re: Wednesday’s run:
Three Cruisers:   Libby (last run before school’s out and she retreats to the Sunshine Coast),   Laura (two weeks away from a trip to Ireland)   and Rod.
We did the Production Way, Underhill, Forest Grove loop. Time out 1h4, distance 6.5 km.  I won’t be out on Saturday as Pat and I are officiating at a BC Athletics event, so I’ll probably run Sunday morning.

Scheduled walks of the Cameron Trekkers in England:
Today, scheduled for 13 strenuous miles to Clay Bank Top.  One of the five, Sue Jones, needed to abandon the trek due to infected blisters requiring intravenous injections of anti-biotics.  She has or will fly home due to her injuries.   
June 22:  19 miles long moderate from Clay Bank Top to Glaisdale. June 23:  another 19 miles, long moderate,  to Robin Hood’s Bay.  Total mileage 201.  June 24: From Robin Hood’s Bay to London.  June 25: Fly home via BA.

My apologies to Rod for once again typing in Rob Hargreaves instead of Rod Hargreaves in my previous update.   A gremlin in the works to be sure. 
On Saturday am Alex and Bobtoc ran from the Centre to the IGA corner and return, 9.6 km, time 1:36, with Bobtoc running very slowly after a two week layoff.  Lesson:  Not only does one need to run, but run often.  Thanks to Alex for his patience.
The Cameron Trekkers in England:
The intrepid four will have completed their final walk today, and will travel back to London and Heathrow for their flight home June 25.
From Coquitlam:
Jennel reports their household has adopted (or is it the other way around) a one month black kitten, name Bella.  Poor Tony- vastly outnumbered by females!  

Rod and Bobtoc ran the familiar route Monday- from the Centre west on Beaverbrook, Eastlake to Underhill, north to Forest Grove Drive, east across the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass to Beaverbrook past the FG Elementary School, to the other Beaverbrook and Cameron St.  Time 59 minutes and change, 6.6 km.  The dynamic duo enjoyed a no precip spring evening, a bit humid but great for the run.
Rod and Bobtoc welcomed back to the fold our intrepid Coast to Coast of England trekkers, albeit a small one, Wednesday.  RA Edie together with canines Bella and April,  Larry, Rod and Bobtoc walked the familiar route from the Centre to Eastlake, north on Underhill to Forest Grove Drive to the Gaglardi overpass to the Beaverbrooks back to the Centre, time 1:1:27, distance 6.6 km.  The foursome enjoyed perfect weather for the walk and conversation.
From Port Coquitlam:
Heather & Jennel ran from David & Shaughnessy down the Trabouley Trail to the Red Bridge & back.  Total run time 1:20, 13km total. 
Six Cruisers:  Larry, Rene, Laura, Alex, RA Edie and Bobtoc met at and ran from the Centre to the IGA, sorry, Super Valu corner of Greystone and Burnwood on a warm to hot Saturday morning.  Rene and Larry moved out together and remained so for the duration, with Alex, Bobtoc, Laura and Edie heading out more or less together, although Alex and Bobtoc oved out at a faster pace than Laura and Edie.  The foursome ultimately ended the run together.  Distance for all six, 9.5 km, and times for Rene and Larry,  1:14, and for the four, 1:29..