September 1: Cruisers Alex, Edie, Laura, Larry and Bob met at Burnaby Lake but the lightening flashed and the thunder roared and the rain came down so the five went home…. We aren’t used to rain anymore. Laura ran 4 or 5 times around Como Lake on the way home and then she and Edie and April ran 5k at Mundy Park (guilt assuaged somewhat).
Jennel ‘s Monday run:
Jennel ran alone from her house down the Coquitlam Crunch to Guilford, made her way to Rocky Point and ran towards the Refinery…”didn’t quite go that far, but did a turn-a-round at IOCO & April Rd. Ran back, then Ran UP the Coquitlam Crunch! WOW, that’s a workout! Run: 15.06km, time: 1:42
The weather cleared off fairly well at the thunder and lighning, causing Laura to go to Como Lake to run a few laps of the lake, Edie to combine with Laura to run a few k at Mundy Park, and Alex to run to Deer Lake from Bby. Lake. Bobtoc washed a kitchen floor.
On Wednesday Sept. 3rd: RA Edie, Larry, Alex, Rene, Libby and Bobtoc ran/walked from the Centre to Eastlake, north on Production Way to Forest Grove Drive, round the bend to proceed west on Forest Grove Drive to Underhill, down Underhill to Eastlake and return to the Centre. Time for Rene and Larry, 59 minutes; for Edie, Libby, Alex and Bobtoc, 1:20, distance for all, 8.1 k. Weather–Gorgeous!.
On Wednesday in Coquitlam and PocoHeather & Jennel both ran from their homes Wednesday evening to meet at Pinetree & David. They ran East on David to Pipeline and made their way to Minnekada Regional Park and back. Total run for Heather 14km, Total run for Jennel 17.09km…1:55
Stag party at Burnaby Lake Saturday Sept. 7th: Six Cruisers: Alex, Larry, Len Soet, Norman, Rene and Bobtoc ran from the Burnaby Lake parking lot Saturday on a cloudy, muggy morning. The six guys used the Central Valley Greenway with Norman and Rene running to Boundary Road, distance 11.6 and time 58 minutes; Alex, Larry, Len and Bobtoc running to Gilmore Avenue, distance 9.5 km and time for Alex, Len and Bobtoc 1:17 respectively, Alex having taken time out to view Burnaby’s new Eco-Centre for recycling waste materials, and catching up to Alex and Bobtoc, and time for Larry, 1:06. On the return leg of the run Len literally bared his soles from Douglas Road through to the Bby Lake parking lot, carrying his running shoes and socks under his arm.
On Saturday am Jennel ran from her house down Panorama, down Johnson, to David and to Town Center Park….RAN a FULL sprint around the inner trail of Lafarge Lake and then back. did some hill work on my street just to make it an even 10km. Run time 1:10.
On Sunday RA Edie and Laura met 8ish am at Burnaby Lake for a run to Gilmore Ave and return, distance 9.5 km. Not content with that feat, Edie then ran the 5 km run for the Burnaby Hospital Foundation’s Rhythm of Life with Bobtoc (actually the 5 km run was shorter than 5) in 33.05. The humidity was high. Edie reports the humidity for the first run was 100% and for the 5k run, 88%. No wonder we were soaked.
Monday, Sept. 9th: Laura and Alex showed up on the evening without Bob and Edie. We did 6.8Km in a total time of 57 minutes. The route : East bound Stoney Creek trail, North bound North road, East bound Chapman, South bound Robinson, West bound Appian, North bound Whiting, West bound Cameron.
Jennel ran Tuesday from her house, to and around Town Centre park & Lafarge Lake 5 times. Total distance was 17.81km in 2:00:28. One of her New reflectors snapped. She’s still fully LIT, just minus a shoe light. Tony joked around with the girls and said “maybe next time we’ll hook the Christmas Lights on Mommy!” They all had a good laugh:)
I believe Heather ran a 5km tonight with her neighbour.
Wednesday’s walk:.
From Cameron Centre Wednesday RA Edie with canine April, Larry, Laura, Libby and Bobtoc walked in a hot steamy evening, temperature close to 30C. The five looked for shade, utilizing the Stoney Creek trail, North Road to Chapman Ave, east to Robinson St, south to Foster where the five encountered Rene and Denise Lattman who were out for a stroll, chatted with them then continued to Ebert Ave west to North Road, Cameron St, back to the Centre. Distance and time, 6.57 km, 1 hr 38 minutes. The afterglow at the fence when stretching was perfect; twilight, tempered temperature; best night of the year.
Alex, Laura and Bobtoc ran Monday on the best night of the year, temperature moderated since the “summer”, to Joe’s trail and return, distance 7.6 km, time 1:13.
Jennel & friend Atania hiked the Coquitlam Crunch Tuesday morning while our children were in kindergarten & preschool:) Good thing to do during our 2 “free” hours! The pair then debriefed at Tim Horton’s, ideally situated at the foot of the Crunch and enjoyed lattes or coffees on sale for only 1 buck. (Editor’s note: Life must be good in Coquitlam)
RA Edie on assignment in PQ and ON.
News from Rod and Pat on location in Scandinavia Sept 15:
Greetings from Stockholm where we arrived yesterday after visiting Tallinn in Estonia. A very beautiful city, much to be recommended to anyone who wants to travel there.
Yesterday was the Swedish King’s 40th anniversary of accession and the palace was open to the public, The king and queen came out for a walkabout while we there, so got to see them.
Going to Oslo in a few days. Fall is very much in evidence here and today is wet.
Hi to all the cruisers
Pat and Rod
On Wednesday Larry, Laura and Bobtoc ran the so familiar IGA, sorry, SV route, utilizing the street lights on the return leg. The trio were joined on Arden by Jeff May whom we have not seen for ages. Some reminiscence re: Kona Lava Java and the beach at Lahaina after the 15 k run occurred. Jeff was limbering up after having tackled the Grouse Grind contest Sunday. The group enjoyed perfect temperature and a harvest moon for the run, no doubt the best night of the year. Distance 9km, time including time to do a reccie into the Super Valu store, 1:27.
Jennel ran Wednesday night from her house down David to Town Centre Park and sprinted 5 laps around the track with MANY other young kids doing different sporting activities. Good to see so many people out doing fitness. Ran home all before sun down. 9km, 1hr.
Jennel reports that a bunch of “Mama’s” from Anamaria’s school & Jennel did the Coquitlam Crunch Thursday morning, 4km. Debriefing at Starbucks this time. (Jennel:)
News from Rod and Pat on location in Scandinavia Sept 18;
Hi again, this time from Oslo, Norway. Another place to be recommended. Population of this capital city is only 650,000 and the whole country is 4.5 million.
Went to the Kon Tiki Museum today and saw the Kon Tiki and the Ra Ii. This is a beautiful city at the end of a long fiord and our room looks out over it. Moving to Copenhagen by overnight ferry tomorrow and then on to London.
they are setting up here for a marathon on Sunday morning. It would have been fun to do the half if I was here and fit enough.
Hi to all the Cruisers and good luck to RA Edie in Ottawa.
Take care,
Rod and Pat
Five Cruisers ran to Mundy Park Saturday, Rene having run from his home to Cameron Centre to team up with Alex, Laura, Minnesota Rachel and Bobtoc on a cool but bright morning. The route taken included Ebert Ave east to Robinson St, continuing east on Foster to Hillcrest St., there to ring Flora’s bell who obliged, after a while, with her personal appearance in housecoat and bare feet and a brilliant smile and personality to go with it. The five then turned west on Winslow Ave to Blue Mountain Road, north to Foster Ave, west to Robinson St, south to Appian Way and west to Whiting St to meet North Road, past Tim Horton’s then return to the Centre, having dropped Rene off near his home. The four managed to squeeze an hour’s run into 1:46 run and walks, with black hospital jokes on the way, including admiration expressed by Rachel on the highcaliber of hands- on instruction being received from health care professionals at Mt. St. Joseph Hospital in Vancouver. All in all a fun run enjoyed by all.
Congratulations to Edie for her performance Sunday in Ottawa! Here is her report:
2:41! windy and cool with a bit of rain – lots of Eastlake inclines but no hills . Route was beautiful. Sent from my iPhone (probably within seconds after her finish)
Monday’s activity;
In Burnaby:
Bobtoc showed up Monday and waited until 6:45 for fellow runners. None showed up so returned home. Alex did show up however. Here is his report:
Hi Bob,
I was 50 minutes late for the Monday evening run. Seeing no sight of any familiar vehicles in the parking lot, I did a loop of 6.1 Km in 40:48 taking the following route. East on Cameron, North on Morrey Court, then Willoughby, East on Lyndhurst, North on North Road to Robinson,South along Robinson to Accacia Ave, West along Appian Way then back to the recreational centre.
In Coquitlam from Jennel:
Hi Bob, went for my Monday run (1 week before the 1/2)…..look what you see when you slow down and look up!!! WOW! I saw two deer right on the street taking a munch on the bushes in front of Sofia’s preschool! Beautiful! I’m on zoom here. as beautiful as they are, I didn’t get that close, as they’re still wild majestic animals!!! Ran 6.5km slow run NB: Jennel included a photo which I cannot reproduce unfortunately in this report.
Wednesday’s activity:
In Burnaby on Wednesday, Edie, back from the Army Run in Ottawa, with Canine Cruiser April, Libby, and Larry, ran 6.47 km precisely in a time of 1 hour 10 minutes, doing the Gaglardi overpass-Forest Grove-Underhill-Eastlake route, taking advantage of a clear night and a pleasant, but not summertime anymore (wah!) temperature to do an easy pace due to Libby doing the Terry Fox Run with her school class on Thursday (yay!) and Edie just back from her half marathon last Sunday (another yay!).
Bobtoc was absent but not without a reason, as he and Marie were attending the 60th anniversary celebration of their graduation from Burnaby North High School. Yes, they graduated in the same class at the same school. The school building they graduated from has been torn down but their spirit is undaunted!
In Coquitlam Jennel did a 10.09km run down David to Town Centre Park with the other hundreds of people doing sporting activities. Definitely WELL LIT!!! Light on my hat, on my front of my coat, on my water bottle behind me! It’s the “Flash of Light” as I run!!! ha! ha!
Len and Miriam crosstraining in the Whistler area. Len has his shoes on!
To Jennel and Heather, on behalf of the Cruisers, I say ENJOY THE SURREY HALF MARATHON SUNDAY SEPT 30TH. COME HOME HEALTHY AND HAPPY!
Heather ran at her daughters school as they ran the Terry Fox run again. So, that’s it until the “BIG DAY” this Sunday!!! Wish us all the best! We’ve worked hard for this race!!!Saturday’s run:
In Burnaby on Saturday RA Edie with canine Cruiser April, Larry, Laura, Len Soet and Bobtoc ran from the Centre east into Coquitlam on a rainy, chilly morning, just right for the run.. The five crossed North Road at the Burquitlam Funeral emporium to Ebert Avenue. Larry took off like a dose of salts and left the four in his dust (not an easy task in the rain). He ran east on Ebert to Robinson, up Foster to Schoolhouse, Winslow to Blue Mountain, along Foster, Robinson, Ebert and back to Cameron Centre. Time 55 minutes, distance unknown but estimated at 7.5 to 8 km. The remaining four with April also ran east on Ebert Ave to Robinson St where they met Cheryl Conn walking the family dog Rudy, then to Foster Ave to Gatensbury, south to Winslow St, west to Blue Mountain Road, north back to Foster Ave, west to Robinson, south to Accacia and Appian Way, west to Whiting St, south to Cochrane Ave,, crossing North Road on the west past Tim Horton’s to return to the Centre via Cameron St. Len ran for the first kilometer or two in bare feet. Quite a feat! Time and distance, 1:09, 7.4 km.
Sunday’s Half Marathon:
Jennel Fatiguso and Heather Tecsun ran the Surrey International Music Festival Half Marathon with no precip, had an enjoyable time, came in hand in hand with great times of 2:03, Chip time should be less. Congratulations to you both!
Surrey Rock and Roll Half Marathon
September 30th: RA Edie with canine April, Laura and Bobtoc ran Monday from the Centre to the SV corner (used to be the IGA corner) and return, missed any rain, enjoyed the cool temperature, best night of the year, time and distance 1:25 and 9.5 km respectively.