Jennel: Mon./Wed. run reports:  On Monday, I ran up & down Parkway Blvd. with a pit-stop at Starbucks.  On Wednesday, I ran up & down the Coquitlam Crunch with a pit-stop at Tim Hortons!  The pit-stops give me a good reason to run:)  FYI…We’re taking our FIRST big family vacation together…destination – Cancun!!!  Grandparents are coming too!  Should be fun:)

December 5th:On Wednesday evening Alex, Larry, Laura, Libby, RA Edith with canine April, Rod, Bobtoc were greeted by Adele who drove to the Centre for the purpose of saying Hello to those who turned out for the run/walk. The seven were delighted to see her.  The seven then embarked on their travels, Alex and Bobtoc electing to walk to Eastlake and Underhill and return, their time 1 hour, distance 4:1 km.  Larry, Laura, Libby, RA Edie and Rod chose to run west using the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass to Forest Grove Drive, continuing west into the Meadowood area to oohh and aaahh Christmas lights, then returned via Broadway, Underhill, Eastlake and the usual way back to the Centre.  Their time, 1:20, distance not taken.  The skies were clear, temperature cool to cold.
December 7th: Len, Rod and Larry were the hardy souls who showed up at Cameron Centre on Saturday morning.  Alas, the -8 C temperature influenced Plan B of not running, so instead the three walked to Tim Horton’s, had some hot chocolate, then walked back to the Centre.  A strenuous workout for sure!  Despite the cold temperature, it was such a nice, bright sunny day.   As of Saturday morning, Rod’s field hockey game was still slated to go ahead.    Reprt by Larry.

December 9th: On Monday only Rod showed up, so he went home.  He reported conditions were very poor.  There is still some snow but it should be gone by Wednesday evening.Rod’s field  hockey game was cancelled on the weekend.

December 11th: ‘Tis the season.  Four Cruisers: Larry, Libby, Rod and Bobtoc showed at Wednesday, with regrets from Edie and Laura.  Taking into account the condition of roads and sidewalks the four opted to walk, the route being the Forest Grove Drive backwards; past the Stoney Creek Elementary School to the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass, west on Forest Grove Drive to Underhill, south to Eastlake continuing to the Centre.  As the temperature dropped the crystallization of snow underfoot was quite evident.  Time and distance, 1:30,  7 km.

In Coquitlam, Jennel again tackled the Coquitlam Crunch on Saturday. 

On Saturday, Rod, Len, Larry and Edie with canine April, ran along Eastlake, up Underhill, around the Forest Grove area and back to Cameron Centre, enjoying the very mild, almost balmy, temperature of +7 (shorts weather for Rod and Larry), and no rain.  Quite a change from last week!   Distance 6.8 km, time 1 hour 10 minutes.   We were happy with running again, not so much about the lack of Tim Horton’s.   

On Monday, Laura, her friend, Dianne and I along with Dax and April walked Forest Grove Loop backwards.  About 1:30 on a clear, almost full moonlit night.  

It was a dark and chilly night on Wednesday, with barely a creature stirring in the streets, as Laurie Hilborn, Laura, Libby and Larry, minus Edie who came out to say hello but went home due to feeling under the weather, ran-walked along North Road, up Clarke Road to Glenayre and ran-walked through the neighbourhood, taking in all the lights on the homes.  There were lots of lights on homes, and it was a quiet, nicely kept neighbourhood with some great houses, some suitable for a clubhouse.   We have to admit that for a time we were not sure just exactly where we were, but we did find our way back along Glenayre to Clarke and then ducked right onto the familiar Chapman Ave. and followed along to North Road, then to Sullivan St. and back to Cameron Centre.   All of us were decked out in Santa hats or touques.  Distance, guess of about 7ish km, time 1 hour 22 minutes.   After much discussion about running priorities, it was agreed that we would not have a run next Wednesday night due to some sort of holiday, but we would run this Saturday.    Reports circulated about other Cruisers taking the night off to attend concerts, eat sweets, drink eggnog, have surgery and otherwise goof off, but we know they’ll be back to run extra hard soon, or risk being demoted to the dreaded Tuesday-Thursday group.  

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good run!
Jennel is doing the Coquitlam Crunch this am today, Thursday.  Horton’s at the bottom awaits.

In view of the road and weather conditions,tomorrow’s route will be from the Centre at 8:00 to Tim Horton’s for a debriefing.  Next run:  Saturday Dec 28 from the Centre, 8:00 am weather permitting.  Merry Christmas to you all!  Bobtoc will not be in attendance tomorrow due to his eye surgery this week.  Cataract in left eye.  Cannot believe the difference!

On Saturday, Edie (with canine April), Len, Laura, Alex and Larry ran-walked along Winston to Government, crossed Lougheed Hwy at Lake City Way, proceeded up to Broadway, down Underhill to Eastlake and back to Cameron Centre.  Time 1 hour 15 minutes, distance about 8 km or so.   Bobtoc stopped by to say hello, healing nicely from his eye surgery but too early to start running.   

On Monday, Larry, Laura, Edie, with canine April, and Alex showed up to shake off the holiday meals.  Larry and Laura ran to SuperValu, along Eastlake, Underhill, Broadway, Arden, and returned the same way.  Time 1 hour 20 minutes, distance 9 km.  Edie, April and Alex walked along the Forest Grove route, from the Gaglardi overpass and around back to Cameron Centre.  Time was about the same, they must have walked at a good pace!  It was actually a good night for some exercise, as the slight rain stopped for most of our outdoor time, and traffic was almost nonexistent – people must have been hibernating, getting ready for New Year’s.  
Happy New Year everyone!       
