December 2016 – Where did the year go??

Saturday December 3rd: On Saturday morning, Susan, Larry, Len and Rod met at Cameron in dry weather.  Susan decided to walk on her own as the rest were running. (A good safe route from Cameron to Tim Hortons and back was suggested).
Larry and help went out to Kensington Rink, taking trails behind Forest Grove westward past IGA/SuperValu, along the usual way to the rink, then on the way and back went up Shellmont and the trail behind the Forest Grove school, distance 17 km, time 2h.  Rod and Len parted company at Underhill.  Len went to Kensington Rink, saw Larry and help partway there, and returned, about 16 km in not much more than 2 hours .  Rod, with a hockey game in the afternoon, didn’t want too long a run. Rod’s distance 7 km and time 1.00 exactly.
Not sure about conditions on Monday night (could snow), but we’ll have to see.
Wednesday sounds the same with possibilities of snow. Time for the Cruisers to wear SANTA HATS.  Thanks to our contributing reporter Rod for material. 
RA Edie and Laurie Hilborn participated in the Ugly Sweater 5 k Run at Rocky Point.  Pic supplied (see Edie’s blog) showed both in festive attire, with a bit of colour clash!

Alex did the challenging Gunnar Shaw Memorial Run and didn’t event get a free beer!  He did well to complete the run so he can feel proud of his accomplishment.

Good news:  Alex has been accepted as a Sun Run leader at Cameron Centre!   He brings expertise, patience and understanding, to name only a few of his talents to the sport of running.  Congrats, Alex!  

Dec 14/16 Some Cruisers were not paralyzed.  On Tuesday Rod and Pat went to Cameron Centre in the am and did 5 km on the treadmill.  They were getting tired of being housebound and only able to walk, though have done quite a lot of shoveling and more to come he thinks. 

On Monday Flora with Gillian Coates, a newcomer to the group walked in the evening.  The night was cool, crisp and beautiful.  With good boots/shoes, lights and Gillian’s yuk yuks they made their way without any falls.  The residential areas were quiet with little car traffic.  Only slippery section was a short stretch on our way back past the Skytrain station.  Route: Stoney Creek trail was peaceful (lights required) to North Road to Robinson to Clark to eyeball Burquitlam Skytrain station.  Return via Caswell or David to Cameron Centre.   Time and distance:  1.30 and circa 8.5 to 9 km.
Coquitlam Cruisers:  Tuesday am Jennel trekked in the snow down Parkway Blvd to the IGA/Starbucks location and then back up.  4.01 km.  Walking uphill in the snow is quite a workout , says Jennel.  On her way down the hill, Jennel saw 3 large, majestic deer walking down the road; beautiful.  Jennel said Santa’s reindeer were doing a warmup for the big day. 
Dec 17/16  On Saturday morning, some Cruisers did get out, although not much running (none!) was done, we confess.  Rod, Laura, Eoin and Larry met for coffee at Tim’s at Cameron and North Road, while, due to a mixup in communication, Alex was at Tim’s in Metrotown before going on a walk, and Flora tried to find Alex but went to a different Tim’s in the Metrotown area.  Lesson learned: next time Tim Horton’s is mentioned as a meeting place, we will specify which location!  Also we heard from other Cruisers, some attempted to walk or run.  The upcoming change in weather will hopefully allow us to get out and run or at least walk briskly!     

Other Cruisers went on the annual Christmas Bird Count.  Christina and John to Colony Farm and Edie and friends to Hoy Creek.  It was cold so we didn’t last too long as our toes started to freeze, but amazing to see and hear the birds and learn to identify them.  

One of John’s beautiful bird photos and a dipper at Hoy Creek.

Wednesday Dec 21/17 On Wednesday night, which is the shortest day of the year, it was dark already of course at 6:30 pm, as hardy souls Larry and Alex showed up, both in Santa hats, and attempted to walk down Cameron doing the usual route.   The two went about 20 metres before slipping around on a sheet of ice, and being lucky not to fall, decided to call it a day, or evening.  The fresh air was nice and it wasn’t raining or snowing, so it was unfortunate that a walk wasn’t the safest thing to do.  Not much going on inside Cameron Centre either.  The two decided to depart for home and have dinner and eggnog.  Well, maybe not eggnog but you never know.

Dec 24/16 Cruisers met for coffee at Tim Horton’s ~ the same Tim Horton’s! 

              Merry Christmas, Cruisers!  

Wednesday December 27th:  On Wednesday night, Edie, husband Tim, canine April, and Larry, Len and Miriam met some of Edie’s walking group at LaFarge Lake to walk around the lake and take in the Xmas lights which were worth seeing.  It’s amazing what can be done with a bunch of small lights!  Lots of ice there including the partially frozen lake.  Afterwards, the crew met at Starbuck’s out by Newport Village for refreshments.  An enjoyable evening and a way to get some exercise in this winter weather.      

Saturday December 31st:  On Saturday morning, Len, Larry, Susan and Edie met at

Cameron and decided to check out the conditions at Stanley Park, so off to the Skytrain we went.  We started out from the Waterfront buildings and went around the newer Convention Centre, past the Bayshore Hotel and on to the park, and the conditions were great – no snow and no ice if you can believe it, we were pleasantly surprised.  Edie and Susan walked along the seawall to a point where they looked straight across to the Convention Centre and took some great pics, distance 7.3 km, time 1h 15m.  Larry and Len went once around
the seawall and back past the Convention Centre, distance 14 km, Larry doing a bit more due to backturns, time about 90 minutes. Everyone wore winter attire which means shorts underneath leggings.  On our way back on the Skytrain, we saw more snow begin to fall, but we felt great because we got our exercise!   Keep Stanley Park in mind for future weekends.    

From Jennel: On Thursday her family went for a walk around Lafarge Lake.  It was absolutely beautiful!!!!  They’ve really outdone themselves this year!  Best yet!  Well worth it to go see the lights and go for a nice walk.  They walked 1.5 laps.  Beautiful, crisp & cold!