December 2017

December 2nd:  Edie and Laurie did the 5k Ugly Sweater Dash in a downpour, jumping or walking around the washouts on the path at Rocky Point.  Lots of great outfits and high spirits despite the rain.  Local craft breweries offered the adults a free beer after the run.  Great way to start the Christmas season.

Saturday morning saw Len and Jax, Susan, Rod, René and Larry brave the “light” rain (? well, there were times when it let up somewhat) and walk or run Joe’s trail, which, despite all the rain, was in good shape.  Len and Jax walked with Rod and Susan for awhile then headed back early, while Rod and Susan continued on and walked a distance of 6 km in a time of 1h10.  Larry and René ran to the gate at North Road and returned, distance about 7.5 km and time of 56 minutes.  Larry ran the same route again to build up distance, for a total of 15 km and total time of 1h52.  Edie and Laurie Hilborn attended the Ugly Sweater Run/Walk at Rocky Point Park.  It was an ugly day weather-wise for that, unfortunately.  Bobtoc has been busy with Christmas cards, watching MLS soccer playoffs and maybe other stuff too.    

December 4th:          Rod, Eoin and Laura, Edie and Bobtoc on Monday on a no  precip, +4C evening showed up at the Centre and opted to walk the Eastlake route to Underhill and return;  time and distance 1:05 and 5 km respectively.  Bobtoc’s bride suggested he go and gather up some endorphins, which were sadly lacking.  It worked.  He did.  Smart woman is Marie.

Coquitlam Cruisers:
Jennel Ran 10km Monday morning from home, down to Pinetree & David…turned around, ran back down David, up Johnson, down Panorama, down along the walking path behind Aspenwood School to Heritage Woods & back home.  10km total.
John Saremba’s Project with Burke Mountain Naturalists

The Bat Condo is Complete!

The Bat Condo is officially open for business.  The “condo” is a new addition to Colony Farm Regional Park designed to increase roosting habitat for local bats.

The project was initiated by Burke Mountain Naturalists (BMN) after receiving a George Ross Legacy Stewardship Grant in the fall of 2016.  Fast forward one year later and we are overjoyed to announce that the condo is officially complete.  Although BMN acted as the project lead, several other organizations were involved including Pacific Parklands Foundation, Metro Vancouver Regional Parks, Colony Farm Park Association and the Kwikwetlem First Nation.

Read more:
December 6th:On Wednesday evening commencing at 6:30, 19 Cruisers and ”athletic supporters” enjoyed a sit-down dinner at Paro’s, situated south of the Cameron Centre.  The group consisted of  Len  Soet, John and Christina Saremba, Laura and Eoin Farrelly, Barry Jones, Bobtoc and Marie Kuhn, Mary McNicol, Ivan  Contramaestre, Angela and Alex Lau, Larry Kuhn, Ross and Flora Johnson, Edie Kernighan, Susan  Vedoy  , Rod and Pat Hargreaves.  The fun and fellowship were wonderful; a good time was had by all.

Coquitlam Cruisers:
Jennel drove to Heather’s on a cold frosty Wednesday morning;  together they walked to the Running Room, enjoyed a coffee at Waves and talked about exciting Christmas Plans to come….”fa, la, la, la, la…..”  We’re both looking forward to be putting on a Christmas dinner for both of our families!  ”tis the season!!!”  Roads were a little icy and it was very foggy….but we were visible (pink socks etc) and had a great time reminising and “planning our next adventure” Distance, 5 or 6 km.

December 9th:  Saturday morning saw Len (and Jax), Susan, Rod, Larry, Eoin, Laura, Mary and Flora brave the thick fog at Rocky Point which obscured the fact that it was actually a nice sunny day.  Flora and Len (with Jax) walked/jogged and Rod joined them for part of the way, to April Road and Alderson, then Rod turned back and walked with Eoin, while Flora and Len continued their jog to the pearly gates at the Ioco refinery and returned, their time about 2h and distance 12 km.  The rest of the gang mostly walked along Alderson to April Road and back to the ice cream shop, distance about 10 km and time of 1h50.  Edie sent her regrets that she was not able to attend; Bobtoc MIA (maybe looking for his endorphins?).  Rod had a field hockey game in the afternoon – hope the fog lifted for it. 

Jennel:  Wednesday morning, Jennel walked 8 km to Coquitlam Mall, then to Value Village on Guildford (then husband picked her up and drove up the hill) (I cheated…..but only to save my hamstring!!!) LOL.  Then in the evening Jennel walked 5 km around Riverview Elementary soccer field while daughter was playing soccer.  It was a COLD night 13 km total for the day  🙂   Jennel also does a little jog with her daughter every Wednesday & Friday afternoon while on her daughter’s paper route. 47 houses!!!  So it’s a little more than just a hop, skip & a jump!!!   Tony or I are always with her….I somehow end up on the rainy days!?! LOL          
December 11th:  RA Edie with canine April, Laura and Eoin, Rod, Alex and, arriving a tad late Bobtoc met at the Centre on a +2C no precip Monday evening.  The group opted to walk the Eastlake route to Underhill and return, although Eoin walked a shorter distance due to a leg giving him some discomfort.  The others completed 5 km, time 1:10.
December 13th:  On Wednesday night, Rod, Larry, Alex, Ross and Flora were out on a no-rain, 3 C pleasant evening (once we got moving!), with the four runners doing the usual Eastlake-Underhill-Forest Grove route, 7 km or so, Larry’s time 58 minutes, Rod’s time 1 hour on the dot, Alex and Flora 1h05, and walker Ross going along Eastlake and back, returning to Cameron Centre ahead of everyone else.  We found some endorphins for Bobtoc.   
From Jennel: Wednesday morning Jennel hiked the Crunch 15 km….there was LOTS of construction and parts were closed off…..I had a free coffee at McDonald’s, so I was determined to get it!  So 15 km later….every which way around….I got my “FREE” coffee at the McDonald’s at the bottom of the Crunch!! 

December 14th:  On Saturday morning Rod, Larry, Flora, Alex (with dog, sorry I can’t remember the name), René, Eoin, Laura, Len (with Jax), and Susan walked Joe’s trail, enjoying cloudy but no rain, 3 C weather.  Rod brought his Santa hat but the others either forgot or did not find them so we’ll try again this week.  Discussion points centered around people’s Xmas plans.  Distance 7.25 km, for René 7.6 km as he bobturned, time for all about 1h22.  As people get busy with holiday celebrations and preparations some may not be able to attend our walks/runs in this final week before Xmas, so Merry Christmas to all and see you again soon. 

From Jennel: Jennel did a Mad Sprint with Anamaria Friday afternoon with paper duty!!!  Papers were derived LATE to our house, and we had to be a skating at 4:15…so a SPRINT it was!!!  Anamaria felt the pain of running a “marathon”.  Needless to say, we got it done…I’m taking that as my run!  Saturday, Jennel swam 20 min. of laps in Coquitlam Aquatic Centre.  Heather is recovering from an ever-lasting cold…  Editor’s note: Yes, that cold is getting around!!     

December 16th:  Resplendent in Santa hats, some courtesy of Rod with our thanks to him, Eoin and Laura, Flora, Edie with April, Rod, Alex and Bobtoc walked from the Centre to  Underhill Avenue and return using Cameron St and Eastlake Monday on a no precip, +4C evening;  time and distance 1:10 and 5 km respectively, followed of course by a debriefing stretch and sit on the fence time near the west entrance of the Centre; a mellow time indeed.
Rod’s photo paying homage to Subaru and Santa is repeated above; too good not to!   Photo shop courtesy of Rod.

December 16th:  Again resplendent in Santa hats, Rod, Larry, Eoin, Laura, Alex, plus Bobtoc met at the Centre 6:30 pm Wednesday when the temperature outside was frightful; a zero or a degree lower; assessed the condition of the sidewalks and roads, the sidewalks in particular in states of unshovelment, now there’s a word for you, and at the prompting of Alex resolved to walk to and in the Lougheed Mall.  We therefore joined the shoppers, put a few km’s on, and then went to Tim Horton’s for coffees, hot chocolates, some lard balls, and exchanged pleasantries, after which the group returned to the Centre, collected their cars, and motored home.

Merry Christmas, Cruisers!

Saturday  December 30th:  On Saturday morning, seven Cruisers turned up and with enthusiasm set out for Joe’s trail since it was a little icy out there.  Len jogged 8.1 km, time 1h28, Larry and René ran to the gate at the trail end by North Road, then Larry and Alex continued on to Hume Park and around by the empty swimming pool  and back along North Road and back into the trail, their time 1h21, distance 10.3 km.  Susan, who had run out with Alex, teamed up with René on the way back, their time 50 minutes, distance approaching 8 km.  Flora and Miriam walked, their distance 7.5 km, time 1h30.  It started out as a dark grey morning but the clouds cleared and out came that orange thing, I think it’s called the sun, which we haven’t seen for awhile, which made it a pleasant morning for getting back into action.          

 Sunday walk at Kits Beach – New Year’s Eve Day – beautiful Vancouver. April had her winter coat on.  Slippery in places.