November 30

Due to the current restrictions on people gatherings of any size, all cruisers activities have been suspended until further notice.

Be Calm, Be Kind, and Be Safe.

Dr. Bonny Henry

November 7

On Saturday, morning,  Alex, Edie, Flora, Kevin, Larry, Len and MirIam with their granddog Jax,  Eoin  and Laura with their dog Lucky, Ivan with his dog  Lulu, Rod, Susan and Bobtoc met at and walked from Cameron Centre to Joe’s Trail on a no-rain and relatively mild morning.  All walked to the gate at North Road; a few crossed North Road, continued to and from Moody Park.  Distance to and from the gate at North Road, 8 km, to and from Moody Park, 8.5 km, times 2.00 hours, and 2hrs and 5 minutes respectively.  The trail was  relatively well-used by runners, walkers and a few on bicycles.  All  in all, a good morning.

Coquitlam Cruisers:

Jennel  and family recently adopted another dog (from Taiwan), so that has kept her busy!  Good busy though; now the family has 2 dogs, and the entire family brings them out together for LOTS of walks.  Average of 10 km a day.  Winnie is the new dog and she LOVES to take hikes and do the Coquitlam Crunch.  So, Jennel, Winnie and Nellie have done the Crunch every morning this week, and the entire family goes on different hikes in the afternoon.  Lots of work, lots of family bonding/walking dogs together and lots of fun!  Have a great run today!

November 4

Although it rained heavily during the day on Wednesday, the evening was pleasant – no rain and mild temperature, and Rod, Susan, Kevin, Alex and Larry took advantage of the lull in the rain and walked a “new” route, starting along Beaverbrook and heading north up Centaurus Drive, then around Centaurus Circle and south down the other half of Centaurus Drive that intersects with Eastlake in front of the western entrance to the parking lot of Burnaby Mountain Secondary, and back along Eastlake and Beaverbrook to Cameron Centre.  Distance 3.2 km and time about 45 minutes.   

On Thursday during the day, a few Cruisers went on a scheduled 8 km walk around the trails on Burnaby Mountain.   

November 2

On Monday evening Alex, Larry, Bobtoc, Edie together with her sister Chris who resides in Nanaimo,  walked from the Centre;  the two ladies walked to Eastlake before returning to Cameron Centre.  Alex, Larry and Bobtoc continued  on Eastlake to Underhill Avenue, then crossed to the north side to” baptize”  the new concrete sidewalk to return back to Cameron Centre.  The five enjoyed a no rain, comfortable temperature evening.  Time and distance for the three gentlemen, 1hr 14 min, 5 km.