We respect everyone’s different comfort levels with group activities during this challenging time. Please use your discretion on participating in group activities and keep in touch with us.

Dec 31

On Saturday, New Year’s Eve, the Cruisers ended 2022 by walking at Rocky Point, as René, Liane, Kevin, Larry, Flora, Len, Miriam and canine Jax walked, and Flora jogged, the usual trail route alongside the Inlet and down Alderside to Ioco Road and April Road (Larry, Len, Miriam and Jax not quite all the way to Ioco and April), then returned most of the same way but used part of the paved trail to Murray St. and most of the group went into the Klahanie condo complex to have coffee at a coffee shop in the complex.  It was quite mild out so we were able to sit outside. 

Our distance was about 10 km and our walk time was 90 minutes.

From Jennel:  On Friday Jennel walked down Parkway Blvd with her two dogs, about 55 minutes.

Today Len and Miriam were going to do the Polar Bear Swim and Flora was going to do the Penguin Plunge…hope they were successful!

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!             


Dec 29

On Wednesday morning Larry, René, Liane, Alex and Edie walked along the Stoney Creek trail, up North Road to a cut-through path that led to Glencoe in Port Moody. We continued on Glencoe and down Ailsa to Clarke, Robinson to Lea Ave. and Dogwood St., where there was a lot of tower construction, and we saw the outside of the new YMCA building in that area, where the swimming pools were visible. René informed us that the new YMCA was due to open in mid-January. From there we continued to Smith Ave., Clarke, Lyndhurst, Willoughby, Morrey Court, Cameron and back to Cameron Centre.

Our distance was 8.5 km and our time was 1h54. The rain was intermittent and light, the snow mostly gone, and there was even a bit of sun – you know, that orange thing in the sky that we haven’t seen lately. Not bad for the first walk after Christmas!

From Jennel: Jennel has started her half marathon training schedule with interval training…2 minutes warm up, 5 minutes fast pace, then 2 minute slow down. Fast pace is any pace she thinks is fast, but it’ll get faster as she continues her training! On Wednesday she ran down Panorama to Johnson and back. On Thursday she did a paper route with one of her daughters then paced her husband around Coquitlam Centre Mall – over 10,000 steps! So the training is definitely happening! Good luck Jennel!


Dec 18

On Saturday morning, it was somewhere between -1 C and 1 C and sleet/snow at Rocky Point as Larry, Liane, René, Flora and Kevin attended and found that once we got going it was not too bad. Not that many others out there either. René and Liane did a good-pace walk ahead of Kevin and Larry, and Flora jogged most of the way as we all made our way along the trails parallel to the inlet, and along Alderside to Ioco and April Road, then turned back and retraced our route back to the Rocky Point ice cream shop, where coffee was our refreshment of the day. We didn’t have ice cream, although there are special Christmas flavours at the shop – a bit cold for us after our walk though.

Flora’s run app said the distance was 8.8 km but I think everyone’s distance was closer to 10 km. Her run time was 1h33; René and Liane’s time was about the same, and Kevin and Larry’s time was about 1h45.


Dec 15

On Wednesday evening the Cruisers went to Lafarge Lake Park to view the Christmas lights! It was spectacular, and if you were not able to join us on Wednesday, we hope you get a chance to go and see it. Larry, Liane, Glenn, Brenda, Edie, René, Kevin, Alex, and Edie’s friends June and Dave walked a couple of laps around the lake. Our group got split up somewhere around where the path went up and around in two directions – there was a lot to see, more than last year and the path kind of wandered at one end of the main path. We did reunite near the end of our second lap, and everyone enjoyed the lights.

Our distance was something like 4 km and our time was about 75 minutes. The weather was great – somewhere between 1 C and 0 C and no rain, sleet, snow or wind.

From Jennel: I’ve been super busy! Been doing LOTS of walking on the Crunch with dogs….Heather & I went for an 8 km walk Tuesday….we grabbed a cup of coffee and had a nice walk together. Wednesday morning I read that SNOW is on its way. So the dogs & I ran the Crunch twice (8 km?), then I dropped them off back home and ran approx another 2 km. Merry Christmas to Everyone from Heather & Jennel:)


Dec 13

On Monday evening it was a great night for a walk, not too cold and no precipitation, as Larry, Edie, Alex and René (all sporting various Santa hats), and Kevin and Liane walked along Cameron, Beaverbrook, Eastlake, Production Way/Brighton, cut through using a sidewalk between houses to Lakedale Ave., down Lakedale to Government Road to Burnlake, and down Burnlake to view the lights on the house at 8222 Burnlake. Quite a sight if you haven’t seen it! We then walked around the neighbourhood viewing other light displays, walked to Piper Ave., up Piper to Hunter St., Lakedale, Lakeland, Dalebright, through to Brighton and back to the Centre along Eastlake and Beaverbrook.

Our distance was 8.25 km and our time was about 2 hours as we were ambling in some areas viewing the lights.

Here are some images sent in by Edie

Also on Saturday morning – we saw Eoin and Laura and their canine Lucky in the parking lot at Cameron Centre. They were returning from a walk around the Cameron Park area.

They wish everyone a Merry Christmas!


Dec 11

On Saturday morning Brenda, Glenn, Flora, Kevin, Liane and Larry met at the Centre and walked along Beaverbrook, Eastlake, Production Way/Brighton and crossed into a neighbourhood running parallel to Government Road, Lakeland Drive and Lakedale Ave. to Government and down Burnlake, saw the house where the light display is (should be great in the dark!) and continued on Burnlake to Piper Ave. and through to Piper Spit and the nature house at Burnaby Lake. We were going to walk on the trail at Burnaby Lake but it was still icy and slushy so we decided to return the same way we came, along Government, Lakedale, Brighton, Eastlake etc. It was about 4 C and raining when we started out but the drizzle ended on our way back.

Distance was about 8 km and time was just under 2 hours.


Dec 08

On Wednesday evening Larry and René, who both sported Santa hats, and Edie, Glenn and Brenda, all with lights, walked along Cameron, Beaverbrook to the walkways along Eastlake, Underhill, Broadway, and crossed to a shortcut into the Woodhurst neighbourhood to view the Christmas lights on the houses. There were some nice ones which lit up the street a bit. Then we returned to the Centre the same way. It was noticeably milder (about +3 C) than it was on Monday, and the walkways were clear of ice and snow except for a few very small patches.

Our distance was just over 7.5 km and our time was about 90 minutes.


Dec 06

On Monday evening it was a bit warmer than forecast so it was a slightly longer walk than originally planned, as Larry and Flora (both decked out in Santa hats), Glenn, Kevin, and René walked along Beaverbrook, Eastlake, Underhill and Broadway sidewalks/paved walking paths, which were almost completely bereft of ice and snow, and up Arden Ave. to Woodhurst, then turned back the same way.

Our distance was 7.5 km and our time was just under 90 minutes. It was nice to see the odd Christmas light display on some houses as we passed, so we will look for more during our upcoming evening walks.

From Jennel: On Monday, Jennel and her two dogs ran the Coquitlam Crunch twice as it was mostly clear of snow, and then a little farther in the snow. Their distance was approximately 10 km and a “joyful” time of 2.5 hours.


Dec 04

On Saturday morning Kevin, Glenn, René and Larry walked Joe’s trail and got there by walking down Beaverbrook, along Eastlake and down Production Way/Brighton to Winston, then along Cariboo Road to the entrance to the trail, took the trail to North Road and returned the same way. Our distance was 10.2 km and our time was 1h22. It was chilly but sunny, and the trail was snowy and icy so we had to walk carefully.

Also on Saturday morning, Flora and Rachel Lindquist ran/walked at Jericho Park along the beach and road, just under 5 km, with running on the road the best option. Some running on the beach too.

The Gunner Shaw Memorial Cross-Country Run, which was scheduled for Saturday (Dec 3), was postponed to a date to be determined later, due to the snow and icy conditions.
