February 27
On Monday evening it was a chilly night as Brenda, Kevin, Liane, and Larry walked a “newer” part of our route as we walked down Cameron into Eastlake Park (where the dog park is) as it is well lit through that area, then continued along Eastlake to Underhill and returned the same way.
Our distance was 5 km and our time was 1h05. Brisk-paced walk!
February 25
On Saturday morning Liane, Kevin, and Larry met at Cameron Centre and Flora stopped by to say hi on her way to her Fit First run. Liane, Kevin and Larry walked along Erickson and Bartlett Court, through the highway underpass to Manchester and the trail behind the condos, down North Road to Joe’s trail, then Cariboo Road, Government St., trail to Eastlake Park, up Cameron St. and back to the Centre, distance about 8 km and time about 1h30. We met Eoin, Laura and their dog Lucky at the Centre – they had walked about 4 km along Stoney Creek trail in under 1 hour. It was great to catch up with them! The weather was mild and we beat the rain that started later in the morning.
Flora jogged 6.71 km at her Fit First running clinic in the morning.
On Saturday evening, Flora, Alex and Angela walked for the Coldest Night walk from Marlborough Elementary School along Marlborough, Nelson, Imperial, Metrotown to Kingsway, distance 5.2 km, time 1h33, representing Len’s Walkers That Care team. Well done Flora, Alex and Angela!
February 22
On Wednesday evening Brenda, Glenn, Sandy, René, Kevin, Alex, and Larry enjoyed a light drizzle part of the time but otherwise good weather as we walked along Beaverbrook, Eastlake, Underhill to Broadway and returned the same way. Alex joined us part way along Eastlake and continued his run ahead, meeting us as we returned to Cameron Centre at the same time. Alex’s distance was 5.46 km and his time was 55 minutes. The rest of the group’s distance was the same and our time was about 75 minutes.
February 20
On Monday morning, Family Day holiday, Kevin, Liane, Flora, Sandy, René, and Larry met at Rocky Point and walked along the trail closest to the inlet as far as we could, then continued on Murray St., then the upper and lower trails to Old Orchard Beach, along Alderside and on to Ioco Road, returning the same way. Flora jogged on the way back, and most of the group went to the pier before going to the ice cream shop for refreshments.
Including the pier distance, the group’s distance was 11 km; and 10 km for those who didn’t extend their walk to the pier. Our time ranged from 2h08 to 2h15. The weather was good – a bit of sun, and milder than it has been lately.
From Alex: On Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Alex started his Central Park run by warming up for 2 km, then did the 5 km timed Park Run in a time of 39 minutes 38 seconds, then did 3 km of recovery jogging, for a total of 10.1 km and total time of 1h29.
February 18
On Saturday morning Liane, Kevin, and Larry walked from Cameron Centre to Edie’s house by way of Willoughby, Lyndhurst, crossed North Road at Foster Ave., continued along Foster to Florence, then Smith Ave. to Guiltner, Regan, Townley and Grover streets. Edie is doing fine – thanks for the coffee and treats Edie! Afterwards, Edie and her sister Chris joined us for awhile on our walk back, going along Smith to Robinson. Liane, Larry and Kevin continued back to the Centre via Smith, then along Cottonwood. Distance about 5.5 km, walk time about 1h30.
From Flora: Also on Saturday morning. Flora and Nikita did intervals 3 to 5 times in groups of three on the overpass route with the Fit First running clinic group.
From Jennel: Anamaria (and coach Tony) are going to the U16 Volleyball National Finals in Edmonton!! Their team, Focus Volleyball Club, qualified!
They are fundraising. Here’s how you can help:
Bottle Drive! (empty refundable bottles and containers)
No sorting necessary. The team will get the proceeds and thank you for your support!
February 16
Report for Wednesday evening courtesy of Kevin. Thanks Kevin!
On Wednesday evening it was a cool clear night. But love was in the air for the Cruisers Valentine walk. The love of walking and getting your heart beating fast was irresistible for the Sweet Hearts of Lianne, Nikita, Brenda, Glenn, Sandy, Flora & myself Kevin.
Glenn decided that he wanted to make things a bit spicy for this special occasion. So we headed down Cameron to check out the LED lights at East Lake Dog Park. After that romantic view for some, we continued on to Eastlake to Underhill. Then at Underhill and Broadway we got wild and crazy and continued on Broadway until the path to Woodhurst. Then on to Arden back to Broadway, retracing our steps back to Cameron.
At the end of the walk Flora shared chocolate hearts with us all. ❤
Distance was 7.72 km and 1 hour 37 minutes.
February 14
On Monday evening Liane, Kevin, Brenda, Glenn, Sandy, Flora, newcomer Sam, and Larry walked along Beaverbrook, Eastlake, Underhill, Forest Grove Drive to the Gaglardi overpass, Beaverbrook and back to Cameron Centre. Fast walkers Brenda and Liane circled back to the group a few times, and Flora and Sam jogged most of the way, their distance likely just over 8 km, while the rest of the group’s distance was about 7.2 km, and the group’s time was about 1h40.
From Alex: Also at 6:30 pm on Monday evening, Alex jogged a route around the area bordered by Sussex, Maitland, Royal Oak and Kingsway, in and around Marlborough Elementary School, his distance 8.41 km and time 1h20.
February 11
On Saturday morning Len and Miriam with Jax, Liane, and Larry met at the Christine Sinclair Rec Centre and walked around the Deer Lake trails, their distance about 6.5 km and time about 1h40. The group met Rachel, Flora and Nikita, who completed their 6 km interval run/walk in about 1 hour along the Skytrain line that runs parallel to Lougheed Hwy, and we all had coffee at Bastions in the Centre. It was a good morning to be out, as it did not rain and it wasn’t too cold.
February 08
On Wednesday evening, under clear skies and +3 C temperature, it was a nice evening for a walk/run as Liane, Flora, Nikita, Sandy, Brenda, Glenn, Kevin, and Larry walked along Beaverbrook, Eastlake, Underhill to Broadway, and back the same way, group distance about 5 km and time 1h20. Fast walkers Liane and Brenda, and run/walk interval participants Nikita and Flora, and sometimes Brenda, covered more distance, a bit over 6 km, in the same time.
From Alex: On Tuesday morning Alex ran 6.2 km in 61 minutes, and this morning (Thursday) jogged around the Sussex-Maitland-Marlborough area, distance 5.84 km and time 55 minutes. Good runs Alex!
From Jennel: On Tuesday Jennel and her two dogs hiked the entire Coquitlam Crunch, distance 5 km. That tired out the dogs! On Wednesday Jennel and Heather walked 12 km and stopped for lunch. Sounds like a good time!
From Ivan: On Tuesday Ivan headed out on his lunch break to restart his training that took him from Stoney Creek Community School to the edge of Burnaby Lake, getting to the dam and returning; distance 4km in about 40 minutes
February 06
On Monday evening it was chillier than recently but no rain or snow, so it was a good night for a walk. Flora, Liane, Kevin, Brenda, Glenn, Sandy, René, Nikita, and Larry walked along Beaverbrook, Eastlake, Underhill, Forest Grove Drive and back to Cameron Centre. The route was enjoyed by all.
Our distance was 7.2 km and time was 88 minutes. Flora and Nikita did run/walk intervals most of the way, and walk speedsters René, Brenda and Liane also did more distance, about 7.6 km.
From Alex: On Saturday afternoon Alex jogged between Willingdon and Royal Oak Ave., his distance 7.46 km and time 1h15.
February 04
On Saturday morning Miriam, Len with Jax, Kevin, René, Liane, and Larry met at Rocky Point and walked along the inlet trail until we reached the first wooden bridge crossing the water, which was closed, so we continued along Murray St. and the paved trail, except most of that trail wasn’t paved as work was finishing on the water and sewer lines, so the trail was largely gravel, which we took to Alderside Road and up to Ioco Road as usual. We returned mostly the same way, except we took the inlet trail from Old Orchard Beach until we had to go up to the gravel trail again.
Our distance was 9.3 km per Len’s tracker (but was it closer to 10 km?) and our time was 2h17. We enjoyed hot chocolate/ice cream at the ice cream shop as we got free swag! Coupons and coffee cups, due to National Ice Cream Breakfast Day! I’ve never heard of that one before.
From Flora: Also on Saturday morning, Flora ran with Rachel and a former colleague from work, Angela, at the Fit First running clinic, distance 6 km, time 2h36, running a route tracing the Skytrain from Burnaby Lake to Douglas Road.
February 01
On Wednesday evening Kevin, Liane, Brenda, Glenn, Sandy, René, Flora, and Larry walked along Beaverbrook, Eastlake, Underhill to Broadway and back the same way, our time 1h20 and distance about 5 km. Flora jogged up Underhill and did hill repeats, then did run/walk intervals on the way back, her distance 9.4 km and time 1h30.
From Alex: Earlier on Wednesday evening, Alex ran from his home to his son’s home via the Edmonds area Rona store. Distance 5.2 km, time 48 minutes.