August 29

On Wednesday evening Liane, Sandy and her husband Ross, Brenda, Glenn, Larry, Kevin, René, Eoin, and Laura with Lucky walked along the Stoney Creek trail; Laura, Eoin and Lucky started early and walked to the North Road gate and returned, their distance 4 km and time about 50 minutes;

Larry and Sandy walked to the bridge to the school and back, their distance 1.7 km and time about 30 minutes; some of the group walked to the North Road gate and returned, their distance 4 km and time about 55 minutes;

I think Brenda, Liane and René walked up North Road to Chapman then returned, their distance 5 km and time also 55 minutes. The sunny weather was a welcome change from the rain of the previous few days.


August 25

Due to the monsoon weather, today’s walk/run is cancelled.


August 23

On Wednesday evening Edie, Flora, Alex, Larry, Sandy, Brenda, Glenn, Kevin, Eoin, and Laura with Lucky walked along the Stoney Creek trail; Laura, Eoin and Lucky started early and walked to the North Road gate and returned, their distance 4 km and time 55 minutes;

Larry, Flora and Alex walked to the bridge to the school and back, their distance 1.7 km and time about 30 minutes; Alex continued back on the trail and caught up with the rest of the group, his total distance 5.52 km and time 1h26 – he also walked around Cameron Park before the group started out;

Edie, Glenn and Kevin walked to the North Road gate and returned, their distance 4 km and time about 55 minutes; Sandy and Brenda walked up North Road to Chapman then returned, their distance 5 km and time also 55 minutes.

Thanks to Kevin for doing the reports for this past Saturday and Monday.


August 20

On Monday night Rene, Edie, Flora, Glenn, Brenda, Alex, Sandy, Eoin, Laura & Lucky met at Cameron Centre. The parking was still accessible with plenty of availability.

The group walked the Stoney Creek trail with Rene, Glenn, Brenda & Sandy going up North Road. The rest of the group went to the gate at North Road.

Alex ran before the walk and during and seemed to be motivated by a fast walking lady. 😀

For the most part we managed to avoid the showers. It did get a bit heavier at the end of the walk while we chatted at the outdoor fitness centre. This caused everyone to disperse just before 8 pm.

Here is more details on paid parking at Rocky Point:


August 17

On Saturday morning myself, Edie & Alex met at 9 am at Cameron Centre. The parking lot where we usually meet was closed for the farewell ceremony. This meant that Edie & Alex had to find street parking.

The 3 of us decided to head down Cameron to Joe’s trail. I brought my berry jar and Alex helped pick Blackberries along the route. When we got to the RV park we decided to turn around so we could get back to Cameron Centre to enjoy the ceremony. Edie & I walked back and Alex ran back when he got to the trail by New Life church. At the corner of Cameron & Beaverbrook a former Cruiser Debra saw us and walked with us back.

In the Center they had a number of posters of the Centre that people could sign. So the 3 of us signed and Edie put all the cruiser’s name on it. While this was happening Rod, Pat & Flora showed up. At which point photos were taken of us all.

On Monday it is unclear if the parking lot will be open. I suspect it will be since the Centre staff will be clearing out items until September. If it is closed then drivers will need to park on the street but let’s meet at the outdoor fitness center bench as usual.


August 15

On Monday evening Liane, Edie, Alex, Larry, Brenda, Glenn, Kevin, Eoin, Laura with Lucky walked along the Stoney Creek trail; Laura, Eoin and Lucky started early and walked to the North Road gate and returned, their distance 4 km and time 55 minutes; Larry, Edie and Alex walked to the bridge to the school and back, their distance 1.7 km and time about 30 minutes; Alex continued back on the trail and caught up with the rest of the group, his total distance about 6.7 km and time 55 minutes; the rest of the group walked either to the North Road gate or up North Road to Chapman then returned, their distance 4 or 5 km and time also 55 minutes.

Photo: Nikita
Photo: unknown

Above are photos of the Cruisers in front of the “old” Cameron Rec Centre building. Thanks to Nikita for the group photo and whoever took the photo of Eoin and Laura!


August 13

On Monday evening Edie, René, Sandy, Kevin, Brenda, Glenn, Nikita, Liane, Alex, Eoin, Laura, canine Lucky, and Larry met at Cameron Centre and walked the Stoney Creek trail. Eoin, Laura and Lucky started out a bit early and walked to the North Road gate and returned, their distance about 4 km and time 48 minutes. Edie and Larry walked to the bridge to the school, distance 1.7 km and time about 30 minutes; Nikita, Kevin and Glenn (I think) walked to the North Road gate and back, distance about 4 km and time about 55 minutes; Brenda, Liane, Sandy, René and Alex walked up North Road past Chapman and returned, their distance about 5 km and time about 55 minutes; Alex ran before meeting the group, going up and around Still Creek, Sullivan Heights and Noel Drive, joined the group at Cameron, along Stoney Creek trail, Rathburn-North Road area, then back on the trail to the Centre, his distance 10.65 km and time 1h52:40.

On Sunday afternoon Eoin, Laura, and Lucky walked the Stoney Creek trail to the North Road gate and back, distance about 4 km and time 44 minutes – that’s fast walking!


August 11

On Saturday morning Edie, Kevin, and Larry met at Cameron Centre and walked along Noel Drive to Cameron, then down to Eastlake and back along Beaverbrook, distance 2.4 km and time about 45 minutes. Eoin, Laura and Lucky walked along the Stoney Creek trail, distance about 4 km and time 50 minutes.

From Jennel: On Saturday morning Jennel took her dogs up the Coquitlam crunch and saw a bunch of deer, and walked up, around and down Eagleridge St., about 4 or 5 km. It was hot up there!


August 09

On Wednesday evening Flora, Kevin, Brenda, Glenn, Alex, René, Eoin, Laura, and Larry walked the usual route on the Stoney Creek trail. Kevin and Larry walked to the bridge to the school and back, their distance about 1.7 km; Flora, Brenda, Glenn, and René walked up North Road and continued past Chapman while Flora turned back at Chapman; Alex jogged with the group.

Distance for the group was 4.66 km and time was 1h08. Thanks to Alex for the stats.


August 06

On Monday morning Liane, Larry, Edie, Nikita, Glenn, Brenda, Kevin, Alex, and Maureen and Greg with their dog Chester, met at Rocky Point on BC Day. Most of the group walked along the trail, the new paved trail to Old Orchard Beach, then on Alderside to Ioco Road and returned, distance about 10 km and time just under 2 hours.

Alex and Larry walked about 2.4 km then Alex ran to Old Orchard Beach and back, his distance 8.7 km. We then got our ice cream and Flora joined us for that after her swim at Sasamat Lake, and Alex found us a shady bench area to enjoy our treats, and also brought some watermelon for us to enjoy. Thanks Alex!


August 04

On Saturday morning Edie, Kevin, Liane and Larry met at Squint Lake and walked on the trails around the golf course for about 1.5 km, then another half a km walk to the golf course coffee shop and had coffee.  Great weather to be out in the morning!  

From Flora: Also on Saturday morning, Flora and René did the Park Run at Mundy Park, a 5 km run.  Flora’s time was 41:53 and René’s time was 31:49 (minutes).  The concession is now open too – Flora enjoyed a hot dog.  

From Jennel: On Friday Jennel ran/walked 13 km, about 3 km of it a run, and 8 km of it with Heather, with a lunch (Greek salad) at mid point.   A good way to do a walk!


August 01

On Wednesday evening Edie, Brenda, Glenn, Liane, René, Kevin, Flora and Larry walked along the Stoney Creek trail. The group walked up North Road to Chapman and returned, their distance 5 km. Flora walked with Kevin and Larry for a while, then jogged along the trail and turned back near the North Road gate, her distance 3.08 km. Kevin and Larry walked on the trail to the bridge to the school and returned, their distance about 1.7 km, saw Rod and Pat on the trail with Edie, and the five of us walked back to Cameron Centre together and were shortly joined by the rest of the group returning from their walk.

We said hello to Jovan, a longtime employee at Cameron, who came out to greet us, and commiserated with him about the closing of the Centre on Aug. 18.😕

Earlier in the day, Flora did a hike of the Coquitlam crunch in the morning.
