September 29
On Saturday morning Edie, Larry, Nikita and Kevin met at Rocky Point (found free parking south of St. John’s St.!) and walked along the paved trail, Larry and Edie to Murray St. just before Klananie, their distance about 2 km and time about 30 minutes, Nikita and Kevin to Old Orchard Beach and back, their distance closer to 6 km and time about 50 minutes. We enjoyed coffee and ice cream of course, and decent weather, including sun for part of the time.
Flora ran with the Fit First group and jogged just under 6 km, time 40 minutes, and she ran with Giselle, who ran with the Cruisers eons ago.
Alex ran 7.63 km around Central Park, his time 1h10, following up his Eastside 10 km run last Sunday, time 1h17:14, 8th out of 11 in the M75-79 group. Way to go Alex!
September 27
On Wednesday evening the rain abated partway into our walk as Edie, Brenda, Glenn, Sandy, René, and Larry met at Lougheed Mall at the covered area by the tables near Tim Horton’s and resisted the temptation to just go to Timmies or the pizza place, and the group walked around Keswick Park, up Cardston through Lougheed Village to Bell and then up Cameron and back to the mall, distance about 4.5 km and time about 45 minutes, while Larry and Edie walked around Keswick Park, down Cardston, under the Lougheed Hwy underpass and back to the mall, their distance about 2.5 km and time about 25 minutes.
From Jennel: On thursday Jennel walked the Coquitlam Crunch stairs then ran down Noons Creek up to Panorama, 6 km. On Friday she ran with her dogs down Panorama, down Noons Creek to Town Centre Park, 6.5 km, saw a couple of deer on the way. .
September 25
On Monday evening Edie, Sandy, Ross, René, Kevin, Brenda, Glenn, Liane, Flora and Larry met at Lougheed Mall and walked through the underpass below Lougheed Hwy to Keswick Park, around the park – some of the group walked a couple of loops around the sports field – and continued through Lougheed Village and back to the mall. Edie, Sandy and Larry walked directly from Keswick Park back to the mall, distance about 2 km and time 40 minutes; the rest of the group walked about 4.5 km in a time of 50 minutes; Brenda and Liane walked an additional loop up Morrey Court to Lyndhurst and down to Noel and through Cameron Park, adding about another 2.5 km to their walk.
September 22
On Saturday morning Edie, Nikita, René, Len with Jax, and Larry met at Christine Sinclair Centre and walked around the Burnaby Lake-Central Valley sports fields. Edie and Larry did one lap, about 2.2 km, time about 40 minutes, while Nikita, Len, Jax, and René did two laps, their distance about 4.5 km and time about 1h20. Afterwards we had some refreshments at the Centre and saw Flora when she returned from her run with the Fit First clinic. Flora jogged 4.7 km in 41 minutes, going along Kensington, Sperling and the surrounding trails.
On Sunday Alex ran the Under Armour Eastside 10 Km Run. His time was 1h17:14. Congratulations Alex!!
From Jennel: Jennel trotted 5 km with her dogs on both Saturday and Sunday.
September 20
On Wednesday evening Liane, Kevin, Edie, Larry, Brenda, Glenn, Sandy, Ross, and René walked from Lougheed Mall parking lot down to the covered tables near the Tim Horton’s and pizza place, checking out our options for gathering in the winter, then most of the group started our walk, going under the Lougheed Hwy underpass to Keswick Park, walked around the park and back up to Cardston Court, through some townhouses and down to Eastlake, to Production Way, and back along Eastlake, Beaverbrook and Cameron. Distance for the group was around 5.5 km and time about 1 hour. Kevin, Larry and Edie walked from Keswick Park back to the mall via the Lougheed underpass, their distance just under 2 km and time about 30 minutes. Flora stopped by to say hello to us as we were finishing our walk, as she was returning from a hike at Whistler.
September 17
On Monday evening it was a sunny, pleasant early autumn evening as Alex, Liane, Edie, Sandy, Kevin, Brenda, Glenn, Flora, René, and Larry walked from the Lougheed Mall parking lot into Cameron Park, along Beaverbrook, where Edie, Alex and Larry turned back, their distance 1.8 km and time about 30 minutes; the rest of the group continued along Beaverbrook and Eastlake, with Brenda, Liane and Sandy walking to Underhill and returning, their distance about 5.5 km and time about 50 minutes; Glenn and Kevin doing the same route and distance, their time just over 1 hour; René and Flora walk-jogged (René walked, Flora jogged) up Underhill and continued along Forest Grove Drive, down to Beaverbrook and back to Lougheed, their distance 7.26 km and time 1h22.
Eoin and Laura stopped by and presented Alex with one of Eoin’s original paintings, a get well wish for Angela. Very thoughtful of Eoin!
From Jennel: This morning Jennel mostly walked 10.36 km around Town Centre and did some work on the elliptical trainers too, plus 2 km with her dogs.
September 16
On Saturday morning Larry, Edie and Liane met at Christine Sinclair Centre and walked around the Burnaby Lake-Central Valley natural grass fields, distance about 3 km. Then we had coffee with Flora and some of her running cohorts from the Fit First running clinic. Flora walked-jogged 4.18 km, time 34 minutes.
On Sunday morning Alex ran his own route of the Terry Fox Run around Central Park in Burnaby, 5.08 km in a time of 41m21, while Edie, Liane, Larry, Jennel and Heather walked and ran the Terry Fox Run at Hyde Creek Park in Port Coquitlam. The course was along Coast Meridian Road so we didn’t see the trails in the park, but the weather was surprisingly sunny so that made it enjoyable. Larry walked 2 km, Edie and Liane walked 6 km, and Jennel and Heather walked-ran 8 km.
We all started out walking together which was good. Afterwards, Larry, Edie and Liane had Rocky Point ice cream at Town Centre Park while Jennel and Heather had pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks.
September 13
No report for Wednesday evening at this time.
From Jennel: On Friday Jennel did interval training, 9.5 km whether she wanted to or not – her dogs ran after a flock of geese and a squirrel and some ducks so Jennel had to run to keep control! One lap of inner Lafarge Lake from her house. She also worked out for 5 minutes on an elliptical machine at Town Centre. Pump it up!
September 10
On Sept 22 Alex is running the Eastside 10 K.
Thanks to Glenn for the following report:
On Monday evening Alex, Edie, Liane, Brenda, Glenn, Sandy and Ross met at our new location across the street from Cameron Park now that the parking lots are fenced off. We crossed under Lougheed Highway, did a loop around Keswick Park, crossed back at Bell and up to Lyndhurst before returning. We walked 4.1 km in 54 minutes. Alex added distance before and after for 7 km. Flora walked Stoney Creek with her friend Donald.
From Jennel: Ran 10km on Monday morning….down Panorama, Forest Parkway to David…down Bert Flinn Park for a bit then turned around before I got lost!
Note: Jennel and Heather are doing the Terry Fox Run on Sunday Sept 15 at 9:30 am in Coquitlam.
All Cruisers are invited to join them! I plan to attend as well.
September 8
On Saturday morning Liane, Edie and Larry met at Christine Sinclair Centre and walked around the sports fields. I had never been behind the fields so it was all new to me. We walked 2 km then had coffee at Bastions in the Centre. Flora was also there and walked-jogged with the Fit First crew which was starting their fall sessions. Her distance was 3.45 km and time 30 minutes.
From Jennel: On Tuesday Jennel jogged 5 km. On Wednesday 5.9 km, down to Noons Creek, David, and Town Centre with her dogs. On Friday 10 km walk, jog and stretch along Aspenwood and shade and back along Panorama.
September 5
On Wednesday evening Liane, René, Alex, Flora, her friend Donald, Sandy, Ross, and Larry met at Cameron Centre and walked our usual route on Stoney Creek trail. Flora, Alex and Larry walked about 2 km, time 30 minutes, Sandy, Ross, and Donald walked to the North Road gate and back, their distance about 4.5 km and time about 55 minutes, René and Liane went halfway up North Road, their distance about 5 km and time just under 1 hour, and Alex jogged around Cameron park and Stoney Creek school before meeting the group, then continued along the trail after returning with Larry and Flora, jogging to the North Road gate and back, his distance 10 km and time about 1h45.
September 3
On Monday morning Edie, Flora, Len with Jax, Alex, and Larry met at Rocky Point on a cloudy and cool day. Alex walked with Edie and Larry and we walked along the gravel trail to the closed crossing still under construction, and returned to the park, distance just under 2 km and time about 30 minutes. Alex resumed his jog to Old Orchard Beach and returned to the pier, his total distance 6.95 km and time 1h29. Len and Jax walked with us and continued with Flora along the trail to Old Orchard Beach and returned, his distance about 5 km and time just under 1 hour. Flora also jogged to Old Orchard Beach and continued to Alderside and Ioco Road, her distance about 10 km and time about 2h08.
The group enjoyed ice cream and coffee of course – the reason for going!
September 1
On Saturday morning Edie, Flora, her brother Charles, and Larry met at Squint Lake parking lot and walked about 2 km along the trails between the golf course and Arden, then went for coffee at the golf course coffee shop. Beautiful weather and scenery.
My apology to Nikita for omitting her name from the list of people who walked on Wednesday.