Three only: Edie, Rod and Bobtoc met at the Centre Monday on a rainless and mild evening. The three opted to walk together, their route being the Forest Grove Drive backwards as far as Underhill Avenue to Eastlake, then returning via the usual route past the secondary school, the Beaverbrooks and Cameron St. Time and distance, 1:34, 7.09 km respectively.
Rod advised me of my error in crediting his Monday walk as 4.21 instead of 5.5 km. Apologies to Rod; my excuse is a gremlin got into the works.
Seven Cruisers met at the Centre Wednesday on a clear and cool evening, perfect for running or walking, the best night of the year. The destination was Como Lake using a modified route which provided a bit more distance than the usual one we use. The route was east on Cameron to North Road, south to Cochrane Ave in Coquitlam, east to Denton St , north to Ivy Ave, east to Robinson St, east on Sprice Ave crossed Blue Mountain St., east on Cottonwood to Como Lake, then return west on Cottonwood, south on Porter St., west on Foster Ave to North Road to Cameron St and back to the Centre. Rod walked a portion of the route 2.5 km before returning; his total distance 5 km, time 51 minutes. The runners Larry, Laura and Rene consisted of the faster runners following by Edie, Libby and Bobtoc. The first three covered more ground than the last three in looking for the last group at the turnaround from the lake. Time 1:17, guestimated distance 8.5 km. A great run, a good night.
Five Cruisers ran or walked the Burnaby Lake circuit on a soggy Saturday morning. Alex, Laura and Bobtoc ran EZ , 10.3 km, distance, in time 1:33. Edie with dogs Bella and April, together with Sherian with her dog Sasha in a pink coat walked the same circuit in 2:20. A number of other runners were also out in this popular park including Mike, Ernie and Donalda from Rainy’s running or spinning classes.
Five Cruisers ran or walked the Burnaby Lake circuit on a soggy Saturday morning. Alex, Laura and Bobtoc ran EZ , 10.3 km, distance, in time 1:33. Edie with dogs Bella and April, together with Sherian with her dog Sasha in a pink coat walked the same circuit in 2:20. A number of other runners were also out in this popular park including Mike, Ernie and Donalda from Rainy’s running or spinning classes.