Six Cruisers walked or ran Monday on a balmy, no precip evening.  Tracy and Rod walked to Eastlake and Broadway before returning.  Bob Nadon,  Carla ,  RAEdie and Bobtoc ran the  Forest Grove Drive route backwards run along Forest Grove to Underhill, south to Eastlake etal returning to the Centre, with Bob and Nadon running at a pretty fast clip, followed at a more leisurely pace by Edie and Bobtoc.  Distance approx 8.5 km, respective times  52 minutes and 59 minutes.  Edie and Bobtoc finished at the Centre just as a light rain started.  A great evening, probably the best night of the year.

Seven met at and ran or walked from the Centre this morning.  Rod walked to Eastlake and Underhill and back, time and distance,  58 minutes, 4:21 k.  Edie, Laura, Larry, Len Soet, Rene’ and Bobtoc took an EZ run to Eastlake and Production Way, South on Production to Government St, east to Cariboo and east to Joe’s Trail, continuing to Hume Park, Larry’s hill to Garrett St in New Westminster then return the same route.  The run/walk started out with no rain but after several minutes heavy rain started and continued, leaving the seven soaking wet. Time and distance for the runners, 1:20 for Rene’ and Larry, 1:34 for Edie, Laura, Len, Bobtoc,  distance 10.56 per Len’s GPS.  See Len’s Endomondo map below:
Hi Bob,

Here is my Endomondo map of where we had our wet run this morning. I got 10.56 km.