On Monday, Rod, Laura, RA Edie and Alex walked from the Centre along the trail to North Road, up North Road and around a bit through Coquitlam and back to Cameron.   The walk was due to the warmish weather and, according to RA Edie, nobody told them when to run.   LCDers rule!! 
From Jennel:   I ran down to the soccer field at Bramblewood Elementary School and ran “9” laps….FAST!  I wasn’t going to run that fast, but I was wearing that IPOD again and I got some good songs with good beats that came on.  MC Hammer…etc….so I flew!  Good speed work!
FYI….I’m going to register for the Hyde Creek Half Marathon!  That’s my first goal…Sept. 24th.  

On Wednesday, lone runner Rod went from Cameron up to Underhill, x1 hill and back through Forest Grove as usual. Distance 7.5 km, time 50 min. A very warm night, he was soaked through when he got home.   No kidding about the warm temperature!  If you are running take water with you and don’t stay in the sun too long.    
From Jennel:   I ran in the heat of the day on Thursday!  Not wise, but it’s the only time I could do it and I have to get 3 runs in a week if I’m planning on doing that 1/2 in Sept.   So, my run was re-routed by 2 young kids calling out “Maam, Maam,”  Apparently, they were shouting to me!  “I’m not a MAAM!!!”  Anyhow, they warned me there was a coyote running toward me.  So, I turned the other way and started running….I look up to see a BEAUTIFUL REINDEER across the street!!!  Oh my goodness!  He was BEAUTIFUL to say the least with amazingly HUGE antlers.  He was just snacking on some berries!  I snapped a photo with my camera of this majestic creature, and I was off!  So I ran around the area, up the Coquitlam Grind (WOW!!!!….but I figured when I reached the top, the nice breeze coming down would be well worth the agonizing pain of going up!?!”)  Time out was 1.5 hrs.    (Never a dull moment Jennel !!!!)
On Saturday, early risers at 7 a.m.  Sherian, Christina, Alex and RA Edie set out, beating the heat somewhat, and ran from Cameron to Kensington Plaza along Eastlake, Underhill, Broadway, Arden, Burnwood, past Duthie and on to the shopping centre.  They didn’t stick around at the Safeway to eat the freshly baked donuts though.  Time out was 1 hour 55 minutes, distance 14.5 km, with Christina running an extra 1 km, and finishing at just over 2hours.   “Minnesota” Rachel, also an early riser, ran at 7:15 a.m. for about 5 km.

Also on Saturday at 8 a.m., latecomers Rod, Larry and René ran along mostly shade in the Burnaby Lake trails to the nature house and back.  Distance 8 km, time 1 hour and 1 minute.    From Jennel, Sunday:   Just went out for an hour run at dusk; from my house, down Panorama down to Lafarge Lake and ran around the Lake.