Five runners, plus Rob and Nancy, showed up Monday evening at the Centre.  Rob and Alex, both resplendent in their Vancouver Marathon shirts and medals, were photographed for posterity.  Both talked of their experiences.   Alex, RA Edie, Rene, Rod and Bobtoc showed up to run or walk.  Rene moved out before the others, did about 6 km per Alex who met Rene enroute.  The other four also moved west.  Alex started out walking, using Eastlake, Underhill, Forest Grove Drive, the underpass, then south on Beaverbrook to the trail leading to Winston Street then return to Cameron Street to the Centre, distance approx 6 km, time less than an hour.  Edie, Rod and Bobtoc’s EZ run included the Gaglardi pedestrian overpass, north and west on Forest Grove Drive to Underhill, north to the lane east of Underhill past the Forest Grove Elementary School, crossed Cinnamon Drive to the path parallelling Forest Grove, around the horn back to the pedestrian overpass thence to the Centre, distance 7.5, time 1:03.  The five experienced the warmest evening of the year so far. 
Wednesday’s run report:

A trio of Cruisers showed up on Wednesday May 9.  Rod, Libby and Larry took advantage of a sunny evening with a coolish breeze and ran/walked along the trail behind the Cameron Centre, up the trail to the base of Burnaby Mountain, then ran along Chapman to Robinson, down Ebert, across North Road and back to Cameron, time out 1 hour 1 minute, distance 7 km.   Perfect running weather!  


The Birdhouse Boys
On Saturday May 12, Larry, Alex and Leo did a 10.4 km run along the Stoney Creek trail, up North Road and Gilroy to Chapman, along Como Lake to Townley, along Smith, on to another residential street to Como Lake trail, did one lap around the lake, and returned through Porter Elementary, MacIntosh to Foster and Ebert, and back to Cameron Centre.  Time out, about 1 hour 15 minutes.  After that, Larry and Alex stopped by the Salmon Send-Off at Stoney Creek School and saw Rod and Edie volunteering there.  Alex helped Rod and others build birdhouses.   Fantastic weather, perhaps the best so far this year.  

Rachel, Rod and I met at 8 am at Cameron and ran to Joe’s Trail and back.  We were out an hour and did 7.5k at a nice pace on a gorgeous morning.  Rachel was stiff from gardening on Saturday, Rod was tapering and I was just taking it easy. We burned 500 calories.