.Six runners showed up on Wednesday night, and with sunny and clear weather (although it got dark quickly) Rod, RA Edie, Larry, Sherian, Minnesota Rachel and Libby set out for an easy run to Eastlake and Underhill. Rachel and Libby continued up Underhill and around Forest Grove, returning to Cameron Centre for a distance of approximately 10 km, time about 1 hour. The other group walked back along Eastlake for a total distance of 4.5 km, time 45 minutes, not very ambitious after a half marathon weekend, Rod just back from the Boston Half, Larry and Edie just back from the Kelowna Half, and Sherian walked back with us as she is recovering from dental surgery. Rod brought his Boston medal, a classy memento for having completed his 50th Half Marathon! Congratulations Rod!!

Seven Cruisers met Saturday 8:00 on a cool, crisp, sunny morning, conditions enjoyed by all. Chris, RA Edie, Larry, Rene, Rod, Verna and Bobtoc ran to Joe’s Trail and return, distance 7:3 km, time varying from 54 minutes to 65 minutes. Before and after the run we were able to talk to Debra who ran the Victoria Half and Laurie Brookbank who ran the Portland Marathon. Laurie’s run was hampered by lower leg cramps in the last 10 km. Rob Stagg greeted the seven before they embarked on their run.

Alex’s Saturday solo run report:

I missed the Cruisers this morning — again. I was half way to the Cameron Centre before I noticed that I did not put on the GPS Watch. I have not prepared my long run route for 32 Km for this morning and without the GPS watch I would have no idea how long i have run. So I had to turn back home on Lougheed and Sperling to get my watch. Then of course I have missed the 8 am group run.

I decided to drive down to Science World to completed the run along the water of False Creek and English Bay. Started at Science world, along South of False Creek and Kitsilano to Spanish Bank; then ran up to UBC; turned back after the Rose Garden parking arcade, then along West 4th Ave to Point Gray road and finished at Tim Hortons at Main and Terminal Avenue. Total distance 32km. total time 4 hours 13 minutes. Met Minnesota Rachel somewhere along Kits beach running with another group of runners.