Monday: Four Cruisers: RA Edie, Laura, Alex and Bobtoc ran to Broadway and Underhill and return to the Centre, distance 5 km, 45 minutes. The foursome enjoyed mild temperature and some light rain only.

Wednesday’s run/walk:

Ten Cruisers met at the Centre Wednesday, on a no precip, mild autumn evening. Alex, Tracy, Larry, Norman and Chris Keeling ran to IGA return, 9.5 km, time 1:10. Laura stayed with Bobtoc and ran with him to Shellmont and Greystone, distance 7.5 km, time 1:14, RA Edie, Thanks, Laura. Libby and Rachel walked to Underhill, up the hill to Forest Grove Drive, east to the pedestrian overpass and return to the Centre, distnace about 6.5 km, time 1:18 or so.

Rick Davidson showed up for a Saturday am run. Rick and Bobtoc made an executive decision to go for coffee at Tim Horton’s at North Road instead. Cruisers were busy elsewhere on the weekend:

Alex showed up at Cameron parking lot 40 minutes late due to …. slept in…
and ran solo to IGA then to Kensington Arena; then along Frances to Gilmore ; zig zag back to Willingdon and Central Valley trail. Pit stop at Burnaby Lake Club House for a washroom break. Crossed over the railway tracks to Winston and back to the Centre via the trail. Total time out 2hrs 38 min. Distance 24.4Km.

Rod from Cape May in New Jersey.All going well. Smithsonian amazing. Went for 11km on Sat. in 1 hr. 05, going really well. Going for 10 km tomorrow (last run before Boston)

Cruisers Christina, Edie, Laurie and Larry ran the Sunday am CIBC Run for the Cure 5 km run under ideal conditions, helping to raise $$$ for cancer research.