Nine Cruisers met at the Centre Monday evening, six to walk and three to run. Walkers RA Edie, Tracy, Adele, Rod, Alex and Bobtoc used the Stoney Creek trail to North Road, Chapman Avenue east to and south on Gilroy, back to North Road then returned to the Centre via the Stoney Creek trail. Tracey and Adele out-paced the other walkers big-time, and bobturned a number of times to keep contact. Time out 58 minutes and change. Alex had completed a 30 km run on the weekend plus during the week another foray up the Grouse Grind with Carla and his wife Angela. Good going, Angela! It was GREAT to see Adele out with us; she works hard and long in her pre-school caring for young children. Runners Stormin’ Norman, Rene and Iris ran west to I believe
Eastlake, Underhill, Broadway to the IGA corner and return; time 55 minutes, 9:4 km distance. The nine enjoyed a cool near-autumn evening.
Six Cruisers: RA Edie, Libby, Bobtoc, Rene, Larry and Rod met at the Centre Wednesday evening and ran to Underhill and Broadway, tackled Underhill, Bob and Edie one lap, the others did one repeat, before returning via Forest Grove Drive, the pedestrian overpass, the usual route back to the Centre. The six enjoyed a mild temperature as well as very light precip. Time, one hour, distance, 6.4 km.
Nine Cruisers: RA Edie, Laura, Laurie, Rod, Larry, Alex, Rene, Rick, Bobtoc met and ran from the Centre on the very best morning of the year. All ran west , Rene and Laura to the IGA corner and returned via trails in the Golf Course then onto Greystone, their distance about 9.5 km, time about 1:25. The other seven ran to the Kensington Rink and return, distance 15 and change km, time varying from 2:02 to 2:10 and for Bobtoc and Alex, 2:40, with Alex covering 21 km in that time, shepherding Bobtoc. Alex continued his run upon returning to the Centre to add another 10 km, his route being the Stoney Creek trail to North Road, Chapman Avenue, Robinson to Cottonwood, back to North Road, south to the entrance for Joe’s trail, west back on the usual route to the Centre. Bobtoc ran his first longish run in weeks, Hopefully there w
ill be more information on my medical condition tomorrow. My thanks to Alex for his watchful eyes.
Sherian completed the 22k Melissa Run in 2:20:44. Way to go, Sherian!