Cruisers shown with their mini-Cruisers! Still running but in a 24/7 kind of way.

Four Cruisers attended on a slightly cooler, sunny Monday evening. RA Edie, Alex, René and Larry ran along the Stoney Creek trail, up North Road (René went along the trail parallel to North Road), along Chapman to Robinson. Edie and Alex continued along Robinson to Ebert, Edie going down Ebert to Cameron Centre while Alex took a slight detour around the neighbourhood and up Ebert, meeting Larry and René who detoured from Robinson along Como Lake, turning up Geithner to Regan to Blue Mountain, then returned along Foster and doglegged down to Ebert, where they met Alex, and the three returned to Cameron. (Whew, tired just from remembering all those street names.) It seemed like a 10 km to Larry and René, and must have been near that distance for Alex and Edie. Dusk was setting in towards the end of our run. Time out, about 1 hour 12 minutes.

Ten Cruisers ran or walked from the Centre Wednesday on an overcast but no precip evening. Runners Rene, RA Edie, Rod, Laura, Larry, Libby and Alex ran to Forest Grove Drive via the Gaglardi overpass to Underhill, west on Shellmont to Greystone, returning via Broadway, Underhill and Eastlake. Time outabout 1:05, distance about 9 km. Walkers Bobtoc, Larry and Tracy walked the route to Underhill, reversed directions and returned the same route to the Centre. Time about 1:07, distance 6 km. Bobtoc dog-trotted and kept up to the walkers. The ten enjoyed the early autumn weather; still warm, but the early darkness is noticeable. Lights or reflective clothing are needed from now on for evening runs. Rachel made an appearance but needs medical attention for Achilles area muscles.

Six Cruisers used the Skytrain Saturday morning, embarking at 7:30 as scheduled for the ride from Production Way or Holdom Avenue to Science World. RA Edie, Larry, Laura, Laurie and Rod ran to and return from Jericho Beach through Kitsilano, Point Grey Road, completing a 19 km distance in 2:40. Bobtoc ran, sort of, to the Granville Island Brewery near the entrance to Granville Island, covering 6 km, time 1:08. The six experienced a soft Irish mist drizzle, which ceased for the five lsd runners, and for Bobtoc, an increase in intensity to a Vancouver peeing down. Temperature and other conditions, OK.