Monday’s run/walks:
Rod reports eleve
n runners/walkers met at the Centre Monday evening. Tracy, Adele and Larry walked but Rod did not know their route. Runners Rene, Norman, Sayeeda, Rachel and Lora, Sherian, Carla and Rod ran west and north on Tracy’s fave Forest Grove Drive reverse route. The first three ran to the IGA using Shellmont, their pace fast. A second lot, Rachel and Lora, ran to Underhill then turned south to Broadway and continued on the usual route from there to the Centre. Sherian, Carla, (replete with her keys!),and Rod used Shellmont to Meadowood, planning to return via Lake City, but seemingly got a bit lost in the residential area and ended up at the crosswalk on Arden Drive opposite the golf course before completing their run back to the Centre. Rod’s time, a bit over an hour, more time for the other two, distance for the trio, 8.2 km.
Alex and his wife Angela plus Bobtoc attended the “Functional, Fit and Free from Inflammation” sports medicine seminar arranged and hosted by North Shore Athletics at 1200 Lonsdale in North Van. Speakers were chiropractor Paul Wiggins and naturopath Nina Lange, both runners in the NSA clinics. The seminar was very informative. I will photocopy the handouts, which were well fleshed-out by the speakers.

Eight Cruisers met Wednesday for some hillwork on Underhill from Broadway to Forest Grove Drive, after whic

h the runners returned to the Centre via Forest Grove Drive, the pedestrian overpass to Beaverbrook to Cam

eron Street. Tr

acy, Alex and Sharon ran 3x, Libby and Bob 2x, Rene’ and Sayeeda 1x and RA Edie, accompanied by her beautiful dog April, walked up Underhill and ran/walked b

ack to the Centre. The eight enjoyed a balmy evening, +6C, no rain. Rod made a cameo appearance in civvies, tapering before his Half on Sunday. Harvey did not run.

You know you’re a runner when neither rain, wind or mud…….

St Patrick’s Day Runs:

On a cool, breezy Saturday morning, Rene drove Norman, Edie and Laurie to Brockton Oval to participate in the 5k St. Patrick’s Day Run. The rain held off until after the

event, which Norman ran in 21:39 and Rene in 24. Great times! The event was well organized and the participants received a beer glass from Granville Island Breweries after crossing the finish line. We had to test it out by purchasing a beer each, except for the DD, Rene, to make sure the glasses did not leak. They worked fine. There was lots of food including Irish Stew, Starbuck’s coffee, Cobb’s scones, cupcakes (mmm…), etc.

The next day, in wet, muddy conditions with lots of puddles to jump over, several Cruisers braved the elements to participate in the Green Sock Half 5k, 7 miler and Half. Edie, Laurie, Rachel and Fl
ora did the 7 miler, Ross the 5k and Rod the Half. Sherian ran from home to meet Rod en route and keep him company on part of the first loop and all of the second. She almost ran a half herself. Laurie and Rachel cheered Edie and Flora in, then Flora, Rachel and Ross left to meet their Fraser Health friends at the White Spot. After changing into dry clothes and eating pancakes, Edie and Laurie went to meet Rod and Sherian at the finish line. Four cold, wet runners left for home after their runs. It was a tough slog but we all finished and were happy to receive our cute medals.