Monday: No run due to weather conditions
Wednesday: Eight Cruisers ran or walked Wednesday evening from the Centre in three groups on a co-o-ld winter’s night. Libby, Edie, Alex and Rod walked Beaverbrook, across the Gaglardi overpass, turned left on Forest Grove down toProduction Way to Eastlake, to return to the Centre, 50 minutes, 4.5 km. Larry, Rene and Sharon ran the tried and true route to the IGA corner and return,
one hour, 9.5 km. Shiraz ran on his own, arriving at the Centre a bit late. He reports as follows:
Hi Bob, I think I missed you guys by a minute or so but went anyway since I was all dressed for the occasion!. I took the regular route from Cameron and turned around at Woodhurst Drive by the golf course. Time –54 minutes. Distance –approx 6.5k. Rene met me at the Center a few minutes later after his run. Though it was cold I ran well with minimum fatigue. Wish I felt like this last Sunday!!
Five Cruisers met Saturday at the Centre on a COLD, COLD morning at 8:00, so cold that Rod did not wear shorts. The five used the route down to Government Street leading to Winston. Rod ran to the Piper Spit before returning, his time out 58 minutes, distance circa 7 km. Alex and Sharon opted to run another 10 minutes before turning, guestimated time 80 minutes, turnaround place not known. Longer distance runners Norman and Rene continued on; however Rod was not at the Centre to determine when they arrived back an
d where they turned. Bobtoc is still nursing his foot; much improved.
Sunday: Gina ran in the mid training Sun Run 5k at Burnaby Lake in snowy conditions. Ryan was also at the run.