Monday: evening’s run report courtesy of Sherian Kelly:
Even though it was less than a week until several of the Cruisers would be raced at the Historic Half, several gathered on Monday at Cameron. By 6:30 the Heavens opened above the Center stopping the Mighty Cruisers dead in their tracks at the glass exit doors. They contemplated
‘should we or should we not’ venture out on the High Seas. Alex ha
d the right attitude “I’ve driven over 10 kilometers to get here I’m for heading out.” But others ques
tioned the seaworthiness of the Ark and decided to head for higher ground- maybe Tim Horton’s would be drier on the top of North Road. So only four Crazy Cruisers, Alex, Shiraz, Lora and Sherian took instructions from the Boss- “Don’t go up Forest Grove back wards as the torrents will wash you down stream. Stick to the Sears route.” Rod and Bobtoc wimped out in favour of Horton’s coffee, and RA Edie took April home. They starting running right out of the chute from Cameron parking lot to miss some of the raindrops. That didn’t work we still got WET! We took the first walking break at Underhill. We were having so much fun hopping over puddles and streams that we missed the first 10 minute walking break. The rain was slowing to just a heavy shower. We continued on, arrived at Shellmont took a right turn to head up the hill to Meadowood and then through the housing development back to the Center. Miraculously the rain STOPPED! It almost became the Best Night of the Year! The strong winds that blew in around 6:15 had taken the rain clouds east. The city lights at Metro Town were beginning to break through t
he darkness and the world look good again. So did Cameron Rec. Center as we docked the Ark after being out for about 65 minutes and having covered about 8 kilometers.

Wednesday: Cruisers RA Edie, April, Libby, Alex, Larry and Shiraz ran 5 km from the Centre to the G
aglardi pedestrian overpass, north and west on For
est Grove Drive. south on Production Way to Eastlake, east to Beaverbrook, Cameron Street, return. Time 40 minutes. The five enjoyed a no precip but windy


Saturday am run: Sherian’s report, my thanks:
Those running the Langley Historic Half Sunday did not run but headed off to Tim’s for refreshments and to receive from Edie the race packages she so kindly obtained for the runners. The second Trio– Norman, Gina and Sharon headed ou
t into the spectacular crisp fresh air he
ading to Joe’s Trail. At Hume Park we followed the paved road that circles the lower picnic area and Norman lead us up the NEWLY PAVED Larry’s Hill (it got that name when Larry took a tumble). Gina loves hill work so was ecstatic that Norman suggested we do some climbing! After reaching the top of Larry’s Hill (what an improvement over the rough slippery gravel) we heading along the upper road and turned back at the most southern part of the Park— the 35 minutes out point. On the route back we ran into, not literally, a gal that is our local Marathon and Ultra Marathon race winning athlete and her friend. Norman told us the fellow was Terry Fox’s van driver for his Marathon Across Canada. Norman clued us in on the gal’s PB Marathon and 100k Ultra race winning finishing times– very impressive is all I could say. Just hearing of that speed
Gina was so inspired she wants to find out about what Half and Mar
athons the Cruisers will be doing this running season and how she can get fit to tag along
Sunday’s Langley Historic Half

Cruisers and runners fro

m the Telus and Poco Running Room groups

enjoyed a bright sunny but cold morning on the Historic Half route Sunday. The Half started at 8:00 am with 5 minute intervals between four pace groups. Thanks to apres race brunch convenor Christina Saremba who made the arrangements for nineteen at Milestones on 200th Street, Edie and Laurie for volunteering at the race package distrib

ution on De


man Street Thursday, plus their appearance at the race and the brunch as Cruisers athletic supporters, reinforced by Niel Ferguson, his daughter-in-law and

son-in-law plus their 9 week-old baby, Tanya Jones’ Mom and Dad, Debra Nicol’s friend Lara, Len’s wife Miriam. I may have missed one or two, for which I apologize. The day all in all was great; the run was grueling with lots of hills but the hills were there in the previous years we have done the Historic Half. Special mention: Rod Hargreaves came in second in his new age group, 70 to 99 and Bobtoc came third. Welcome to the OF age group, Rod!

Tanya Jones 1:56:14

Debra Nicol 1:57:35 PB

Deb Colvin 2:07:26
Christina Saremba 2:08:54
Alex Lau 2:12:01
Rod Hargreaves 2:21:55
Len Soet 2:25:01
Shiraz Mohamed 2:29:23
Libby Covernton 2:48:13
Bob Kuhn 2:59:11